Anyone listening to the confrence call?

by foolsparadise 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    coolio- thanks mouthy and cognac

  • sir82

    Anyone else notice a couple of things about reniaa?

    1) You can tell when he/she gets frustrated and anxious - more words are misspelled and the sentences become run-on. The idea of the vaunted WTS actually losing the court case seems to fly in the face of scripture about "no weapon formed against you will succeed". I guess Satan is winning this round.

    2) His/her latest trump card seems to be "you're all just a bunch of haters", as if legitimate criticism of hurtful policies and utterly irrational doctrines indicates "hatred".

  • isaacaustin

    renias rubbish:

    hi isaac you contradict yourself in your own words

    My religion is Christianity Reniaa. I do not preach hate to others...I present facts of the WT to innoculate others from this dangerous cult. And I always try to lead to Jesus. You see I contrast the legalistic ways of this pseudochristian cult to the law of love Jesus taught us to have as the governing factor in our lives. I find my approach to be effective. You see, unlike the hateful JW cult, I lead to Jesus. And for those who are not ready for jesus in their lives, I have still innoculated them from the hateful cult known as the Jehoavhs Witnesses. - isaac austin

    you use hate in conjunction with witnesses belying your own words.

    My reply:

    Perhaps you need to take a remedial class in reading comprehension. My words do not belie a thing. I used the word hatred in descrivbing the WT. I on the other hand love JWs, which is why I reach out to save them from the same cult that has you captive.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Perhaps, misspelled words and run-on sentences has more to do with lots of interest but little time. Just as the widow's mite, circumstances tell the value of the contribution.

    "Losing court cases" is a matter of perspective. Publicity like this, I suggest, helps to keep the issues alive, and may help one-on-one in the ministry with those who can know/ empathise with the ones involved.

    For those loving Jehovah's law, there is no stumbling block. Did Korah offer legitimate criticism regarding Moses? Jehovah obviously didn't think so when He caused the ground to open up on Korah. Perhaps even we may be like Korah in ways that aren't so good. Time will bear out the matter. In the meantime, the more we say, the more words may be held against us.

    Love doesn't seem to be demonstrated by attacking what that one holds dear.

  • isaacaustin

    spike, you and reniaa just wake up?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Your guess is as good as mine

  • isaacaustin

    or are you a twinity? lol

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    a duo duelling duly dull and trinity trolling tripe, truly

  • isaacaustin

    well, I have to disagree here a bit spike...since you and reniaa are the same being AND the same person you would not be a duo...but simply a poster who has created two usernames and pretends to be two different posters....and hard as you try you have not trumped the trinity.....but much of what you say truly is tripe......

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I can be quite a card, without bluffing or needing to trump

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