Gregor, I thought everyone over 60 worshipped Walter Cronkite.
How Many Are Watching the Jackson Memorial Now?
by cabasilas 112 Replies latest jw friends
sammielee24 many comments about MJ - how sad that so much has to become racially divisive. The guy was a genius as far as music - his personal life was a shambles quite obviously.
Years ago I read the books on his family and I watched his interviews - never once did I think of him as being a black guy who wanted to be white..not once. I always felt he wanted to be asexual which is why he had so much plastic surgery. In one of the books that I had read, it dealt with his childhood and how he was forced to endure his father's infidelities up front and in his face. How his father brought women into the hotel rooms after the kids had been on stage and how he could hear and see what was going on - and the beatings that happened often. There could be no confrontation.
As a young JW, growing up with a warped, repressed view of sex and intimacy as often happens, one can only imagine a child of 8 seeing and hearing these things and the fear, guilt and hate he may have kept inside as he saw his father doing all things he was being taught were wrong. One can only imagine his internal struggles. I did read once that he never wanted to look like his father (I have known people in my own life that had extreme mental issues with mirror images of parents they hated) and so I always assumed that he changed his appearance so drastically because of that hate - not because he wanted to be white but so he would not see his father when he looked in the mirror.
Perhaps that was the only way he could ever look at himself.
I think the guy was musically a genius and I enjoyed watching him and hearing him sing. I believe he was a compassionate man who donated large junks of his fortune to good causes. I believe, after watching his kids and hearing them speak, that he was a very good father. I feel saddened for the man who felt trapped and who was nothing more than a product for sale to so many people around him and sad that he was a man so troubled that he needed drugs to live in the world. He could have left us with so much more music - sammieswife.
By the way - I have vitilago - I am white however, whenever I tan in the summer, it is extremely noticeable because the darker the skin and the more vitilago, the larger the patches. It is common and often genetic...
Cronkite was a limosine liberal, all for the Green, sustainable energy movement but he and his fellow Cape Cod big shots fought tooth and nail to stop wind turbines being erected off the coast because it would spoil their view.