My point exactly. Jehovah creates and has the ability to control the energy required to start the Universe as we know it. The big bang theory just says there must have been an enormouse release of energy at that point. It is right. Stephen Hawkings has never been able to show where that energy came from, so he hasn't denied that it could be God. When someone lumps the notion of a Big Bang in with aetheism it makes them sound like the idiots who really do believe that the earth and the universe are 6000 years old.
Paleontologists Brought to Tears, Laughter by Creation Museum
by leavingwt 46 Replies latest social current
The museum argues that the
fossil record
has been misinterpreted and that
Tyrannosaurus rex
was a vegetarian before Adam and Eve bit into that sin-inducing apple.
Oh dude. Oh dude. That made me laugh so hard it was better than an orgasm. I can now scratch "laugh til you cry" off of my bucket list.
cantleave, many birds use their wings for display but that is not the primary and original purpose of them. Also, I never said penguin wings are vestigial, they have instead been readapted from one use, flying, to another use, swimming. Such readaptation itself is proof of evolution since all animals show evidence of having changed their body plan.
Hi cantleave
We do know that holy spirit is God's power and constantly acting on the earth, in fact a form of continuous energy. If I put my own personal thoughts on it, I see the start like a plant growing not a bang at all with God as the orignator feeding and watering with his energy adding and creating, molding when needed with Jesus's help as the master worker.
it's all speculation without knowledge that only God supplies but I am resistant to trying to cobble two apposing viewpoints together to try and get what is an ill-fitting whole that no one can believe in.
The human foot is another example of evolution. Any engineer/biologist could redesign it more efficiently into a horse shaped hoof. The reason though it looks like that is because it evolved from an apes' foot/hand. A chimpanzee has a foot that can both walk and grasp we, on the other hand, have a foot that has been altered by evolutionary process to walk while maintaining a remnant of what used to be fingers. It works fine but with a lot of excess baggage and weak points that does not reflect well upon an "intelligent designer".
No one knows how long a day is in God years, no one knows how long the universe has existed or what came before us on this earth. We can dig great stuff out of the ice, etc. but it never proves the time line according to the WBTS. They can pooh pooh carbon dating all they like,.....their opine means nothing. It's pure speculation.
But one thing never changes.....The absolute mathmatics of time, which means light years are always exact, gravity is exact, the rotation of planets is exact, our calendars are exact.
From the beginning the Jw's have miss calculated, predicted, failed, and failed again. They can never be trusted as far as scientific thinking goes in the simplest of terms.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
The Creation Museum doesn't happen to explain who created God, does it?
The Creation Museum doesn't happen to explain who created God, does
Nobody created God. You don't have to be a genius to understand that. The uncaused Cause, by definition.
Now bring on the special pleading blah blah. God isn't part of the set you see. He is not one of a group of anything else other than Himself. Totally Unique. So talk to the hand.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
So BTS, that's what it says in the Creation Museum?
Every year, DNA and fossil evidence supporting the theory of evolution gets stronger. Every year, biologists make predictions based on principles established by Darwin's theory, and so far, those predictions have delivered (for example, the difference in chromosome count between humans and other primates prompted scientists to wonder why. Using the theory of evolution, scientist predicted that as we shared an ancestor, we should find that one of our chromosomes formed from the fusing of two others. As predicted, human chromosome 2 exhibits this pattern.) Every year, the theory is upheld by thousands of experiments and observations.
Unfortunately, creationists couldn't embrace the concept when it was young - it would mean conceding defeat as it were, at least on some points. Now, like the little kid caught telling a lie, they dig their heels in more and more, making fools out of themselves with ridiculous abominations like this 'creation museum'. The only hope left for creationists is that God will suddenly appear one day, and all these nasty little facts will go away.
Meanwhile, in the real world, eventually all medicine could very likely be based on genetics and evolutionary biology. People will move past this speed-bump of hard-headedness, and when they have, what will they write in their history books about those who lost at the Dover trial?
Evolution isn't new, and while the theory may be improved, it isn't going to go away. Best get used to the idea.
- Lime