Jesus.....God or God's son?

by digderidoo 280 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • leavingwt
    I figured out the quote box

    For some reason, I was unable to use the quote box on the McCall quote, above. When I selected the text, then changed the 'Style' to Quote, it jumbled everything up. This happens on some sources. I have not discovered the pattern.

    So, I indented it and changed the color of the text. I was trying to make it obvious that it was a quote, despite the fact that the Quote Style wasn't working properly.

  • BurnTheShips

    I can't see a whole bunch of posts on page 6 of the thread.

  • leavingwt
    I can't see a whole bunch of posts on page 6 of the thread.

    I'm using Firefox 3.5 on a Windows XP PC and it looks fine. What are you using?

  • Chalam

    Hi Paul,

    It's a shame that this thread has descended into a lengthy debate between Renaii's official WT position and those that believe in the trinity. Whereas only one or two posts have responded to the question on the original post.

    The question of is Jesus God is a question within the greater topic of the Trinity, hence the spilling over into the Trinity debate in this thread.

    The Father is God, we are agreed on that. Now if Jesus is God you are two thirds of the way to the Trinity.

    The WT attack the Deity of Jesus and the Trinity both with vigor. If they loose on one question then they likely loose on both.

    Anyhow, my advice is concentrate on Jesus first and foremost, as your question does. get Him right and everything else falls into place :)

    All the best,


  • possible-san

    Hi, Spike Tassel.

    It's simple, with Childlike faith. Saying "My Lord and my God" might be like saying "My Lord, Wow!", or perhaps "You really are Jesus the Son of God, amazing!" Couldn't "my God" or "oh my God" be used just like it is nowadays?

    I think that your explanation is interesting.
    (Formerly, I have also thought so.)

    But you should not express it as "simple."
    Jews of those days do not do such usage of the word "God."
    Probably it would become the disrespect to the God.

    And do Jehovah's Witnesses of English speaking areas do such usage in contemporary?
    Because it has written like this.

    *** sg study 11 p. 57 par. 11 Using Good Speech Every Day ***
    Christians must be careful to avoid irreverent language. Some persons use the terms “God” and “Lord,” also “Jesus” and “Christ,” simply to add emphasis to speech, or as a substitute for a curse word. Other words such as “gosh,” “golly,” “gee” are simply euphemisms, derived from “God” and “Jesus,” and are therefore also objectionable as interjections.—Ex. 20:7; Matt. 5:34-37.


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    What is irreverent about "Wow!" or "Amazing!"? For me, these expressions have Jehovah the Creator in mind, and are my way of saying "Thanks, Jehovah!"

  • allelsefails

    Spike - Nothing irreverent in Wow and Amazing. YOUR religion teaches that "Oh my God!" is inappropriate...... The point Possible made is that "My God" was not a phrase Jews used for "amazing" or "wow" the way we do in English. They respected the phrase "my God" more than we do today.

  • possible-san

    Spike Tassel

    I feel that there is no depth in your comment.

    I think that your word "For me" is meaningless when people want to understand the Bible.


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Each one needs to feel a personal appreciation for Jehovah, and his wonderful ways, including bringing back Jesus as a human being, since the dead know nothing at all, and so Jesus couldn't resurrect himself from the dead. It feels deep to me. I'm sorry if our meanings have been lost on each other. Jesus' resurrection alone proves to me that Jehovah (the ever-living) was greater than Jesus (who was dead for more than a full day.

  • allelsefails

    I will never intentionally support the side where Spike and Reniaa are, but ... I kind of do here. I Cor 8:6 - God = Father, Lord = Christ, Spirit = not mentioned. I do believe that JWs express Jesus position in much diminished way to what it should be. Jesus is Divine. The most accurate translation of John 1:1 is not "the Word was a God" or "the Word was God" It is "the Word was of the same nature as God". I totally agree with this. Jesus should be prayed to. He has been GIVEN all authority on earth and in heaven. That is the Father gave it to him. It did NOT belong to him before ressurection by Father/God. Thus the illustrative language of Father and Son. Father is the life giver Son is the life receiver. I do believe the "nature of God" is in the Son. Again that is the only way to understand the relationship - my son is by nature my genetic code - he is me, but uniquely different. He has a different position and personality than me, but he is not "me"....... I the "father" am God. He, my son,(even if he is omnipotent) is the Lord Jesus not the God Jesus (1 COR 8:6) He is subserviant to me. He does my will not his own. He does not know all that I know. (Mark 13:32 - International Standard Version - "No one knows when that day or hour will come-not the angels in heaven, not the Son, but only the Father.)Yes my son has the potential of me (Father = God), But not the position of me (Father = God).

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