An Open Letter to Jehovah's Witnesses

by AK - Jeff 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    OldHippie..Right on Bud!..Maybe nail the dogs ass next to the Severed goats head!!..Nothing scares a JW more than a wailing dog,with its ass nailed right next to a severed goats head!!...........................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • reniaa

    Hi aka Jeff

    While I have no doubt you are sincere your letter shows one thing completely that you have totally lost faith in Jehovah, I am not pro-witness because they are good people although the ones I knew were despite them and myself having all the faults common to humankind, Did I think I could earn my reward of everlasting life? nope because I know that If I get the gift it's Jesus's grace towards me that gives me it. there is one scripture that is always not far from my thoughts in regards to man.

    Ecclesiastes 3:11
    He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

    I feel and have always felt this keenly.

    Choosing what I believe is a deep thing, it's not and never has been about people but about faith in God.

    apostasy is a difficult thing. Do I think apostates are evil? Nope not in themselves but you have one goal and that is to stop me having faith in jehovah. You write a nice letter but at the end challenge witnesses to talk to ex-witnesses on why they left, why do that? You may not realise but you haven't changed, you are now a follower of your new faith and want everyone to be part of it and so you write trying to get witnesses to follow what you now think is a better way. This is what I find about the majority of people on here they are actively trying to get Witnesses to follow what they think is the correct way and consider witnesses as a faulty broken thing that needs fixing. "They are brain-washed they need fixing"

    You evangelise your new way Jeff but how do you really know it is better?

    what is politics but different People having different beliefs and willing to kill each other over it. Your way is just another alternative without God in it which is just unacceptable to me.


  • mrsjones5

    Ignore the deranged woman above.

    Bravo Jeff, I loved it. I love your writing style, concise and thoughtful without being over emotional.

    I loved meeting you and Wifey and hope one day if possible we could meet again.


  • iknowall558

    What a brilliant letter. It so mild mannered and non-confrontational yet has the strength to make you sit up and pay attention. Letters like this should be on billboards near and around assembly stadiums.

  • verystupid77

    Ignore the deranged woman above.

    I totally agree with that, she is so stupid. But you are right on with what you wrote thank you.

  • reniaa

    Hmmm Yes they should make them into tracts and do a tract campaign so people can read this know and better way? or is it? Can't you see the scenery has changed but the message hasn't?

    I am not knocking jeffs sincerity only that we have to be absolutely sure what we are doing is right before we decide to deconstruct people's faith. Do you vote now? Do you put your faith in polititions and doctors to solve the ills of mankind? and can they? can they stop us dying or stop us killing each other or hurting each other. Or have our expectations lessened now that we put faith in polititions we expect them to be imperfect and faulty and to make laws that are faulty and not very good? Have we settled for this scripture having given up on God?

    1 Corinthians 15:32
    If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus for merely human reasons, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die."

    If our being a witness is about men it will never be strong but if it as about God and recognising the men have an impossible but necessary task till Jesus returns then I think we have a chance to understand. I too accept imperfection in men but I still have my faith in Jehovah.

    I am not attacking you Jeff but doing what you ask in your own words I am challenging your acceptance of humanity.

    Take care hun


  • LouBelle

    I enjoyed your letter jeff and it rings very true.

    I shake my head in dispair as I read how a poster has read into that letter and surmised that you've lost faith and you want others to follow your new way.

    Every day Lord I thank you that you set me free!

  • verystupid77


    What are you doing here?????? You truly are just a just such a sad person. You must have no life. Why would you waste you few days on earth fighting with people you are not going to change? You spout off on any and everything and you do not know half of the time what in the world you are talking about. Like with the child abuse problem when I have read you stupidly you do not have a clue what in the world you are talking about. You hurt children in you stupidly.

    Reniaa get a real life. You love to high-jack posts like this one to get attention. How sad. You are really to be pitied.

    Jeff you did a really great job and people like Reniaa please everyone just let her post and do not respond to her, just act like she did not ever exist and hopefully she will finally get on with living. Because she is really stuck in a sad place.

  • mraimondi

    verystupid, you live up to your name when you clearly go against your own advice.

  • LouBelle

    Don't JWs try and deconstruct other peoples' faith? *shrug*

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