An Open Letter to Jehovah's Witnesses

by AK - Jeff 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Excellent letter, Jeff.

  • eyeslice

    Hi Jeff

    Your letter expresses exactly my feelings.

    I grew up a witness and spent the majority of my adult life working hard for the organisation. I too would have died for my beliefs or willingly given my life for others. But the reality is that sincerely believing in something is not going to make it true. Rather than teaching the simple true of Jeus, the society has focused on an end of the world doctrine and a 'ministry' that is unclear and ill defined, certainly not the ministry of the good news of the Christ. How sad.


  • VIII

    Very good letter Jeff.

  • flipper

    JEFF- Very good letter you wrote. I was raised in the witnesses from birth like you . I was a witness from 1959 ( my birth ) until 2003. 44 years. My wife and I consider ourselves agnostic, perhaps atheist, but we don't worry about it.

    One of my wife's friends said that , " What God is about is none of my business. Nobody has really seen God. Maybe life is all about how we act and treat each other without getting rewarded by it. Maybe it's all about accepting the fact that we really don't know what the future holds. Our future is what we make it. "

    I tend to agree with this take - I feel Christians or people who are religious NEED to have something to hold onto because they are afraid of the unknown- the future. Instead of just letting the future come to them while using their own knowledge and power to make wise decisions based on facts - some tend to live life based more on supposition and what organized religions promise them . I feel it's many times used as a crutch to avoid facing and living and experiencing life in the here and now. You know- let's " live for the new system " when we'll " all feel better and all of us hate our lives now - because this system is only temporary " . As some religionists say - " live for the real life. " Well- last I checked - this IS the REAL LIFE. When I pinch myself- it hurts . If I touch a hot stove , you know how I know it's real ? It hurts like hell because I've burned my hand !

    But on the other side of the coin - the happy experiences we have in the here and now are real as well. Existing every day , giving and receiving love , enjoying sunsets, sunrises, hearing birds sing, viewing beautiful mountains , the touch of a loved one, making love to a loved one, assisting people to think free and gain freedom from mind control , and realizing that a person's spirituality comes from within- what he or she is as a person, a human being acting compassionately towards others - THAT is what brings real joy in life. A person can be spiritual without going to church or having a religion or being a member of a religion. People can be good in all walks of life

  • sarahbear76

    Hi Jeff,

    Great letter, you are an amazing person. I read your link as well. I hope the best for you and your family. Thank you for sharing and making my day.

    Sarah :)

  • verystupid77

    Flipper that was a great response. I loved everything you just wrote. It all totally makes so much sense especially about how the WT keeps telling us this is not the real life. so we just waste what we have now for some carrot they dangle in front of us that might not even come true.

    You are so right we need to enjoy TODAY right now and waste our lives, like we did in the WT.

    Thanks for the great response. vs77

  • jam

    Humanitarian, are JW,s humanitarian..The answer yes we are, we help people become productive citizens.

    Yes but you can,t feed a young baby a wt. to eat. It,s very difficult to be a humanitarian as a witnesses..

    Most churchs perform some type of charitable giving to those in need..Since leaving the witnesses I have come

    to understand the meaning of this word Human-itarian, in the true since..While we are here on this earth

    we need to make it as best as we can..As a witnesses your contribution too mankind , to offer paradise, that fine when it comes

    but in the mean time, what. Mankind, to the average witnesses is a road block preventing them reaching

    paradise. If you do not except our teaching you will die when the big one comes. So you develop a hatefulness

    aganist those that do not except your teaching.. So as for as you are concern all of mankind can go too hell.

    I believe most on this site have come to realize this, we speak up when child abuse is rampant, we speak up

    when our human brothers are dieing needless (blood), we speak up when families are torn a part. I guess

    what I am trying to say since leaving the witnesses we have become more humane..I believe God will

    forgive us even if we are not witnesses any more...

  • caliber
    The letter I wrote had nothing whatsoever to do with 'deconstructing' anyone's faith. It suggested just the opposite - respect that goes both ways. Does this mean that I would never suggest aiding someone out of the religion? No. But that was not the reason [nor was it even mentioned if I recall] for this open letter. ...A K Jeff

  • No one is forcing JWs to visit this forum, and no one is forcing them to read the postings. JWs are free to take what they read here and compare it with Watchtower publications. The decision is theirs...Athanassius

    A very well written letter is outstanding ,a keeper when talking to JW's ...thanks a million !!!

    Reniaa.... Why can you never give credit ? Why must you always go immediately to deeper hidden motive and intent ?

    Do you have any joy left in your life because the motive I see in you is to be a kill-joy ? I really hate to do this,

    ( become a judge) but really both you and ME would be better off to leave inner motives and judging to God !!

    Why can't you take a persons words at FACE-VALUE for once in your life ?

    Deep listening is miraculous for both listener and speaker. When someone receives us with open-hearted, non-judging, intensely interested listening, our spirits expand.

    Sue Patton Thoele quotes

    This posting caused my spirits to expand.. a critical eye cannot expand ones spirits (R)

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