Sending Out a Letter to My JW Daughter - Give Me Your Thoughts Please

by flipper 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    ISAAC AUSTIN- Thanks for the kind reply. I was just trying to be genuine and caring trying to reach her authentic personality. I think she will think about it like you said- even if I don't get a reply right away.

    QUANDRY- Thanks for your support.

    VINNY- Thanks for the links- I think Renaii is just under cult mind control, she really doesn't understand what has a hold of her. Thanks for your support

  • Vinny

    Notice what Flipper writes on this thread:

    "Perhaps you understand why I'm so cautious. ANYTHING I say will inevitably go back to my daughters mother- and she is famous for twisting the reality of what is said about me into a complete lie and fabrication. So- I choose my words carefully."

    and then:

    "The part about saying I realized I couldn't " support a set of beliefs and teachings " is NOT the thing to say to witness relatives ( especially when an ex-wife with a vendetta gets wind that I say those words- it will go right to my former elders who will call me into a JC, DF me on the spot and my 80 something year old JW parents will then shun me. It would be like shooting myself in the foot ! And then mention that I disagree with the blood issue as well ? I couldn't even GO THERE with a JW relative unless I expected to get strung up before a judicial committee !


    "All she (ex wife) would need is for me to slip up and open my pie hole incorrectly"...

    And then:

    "VINNY- Thanks for understanding the totality of my situation here. It is convoluted and complex - thus the need for caution indeed."

    **** Only now I see this thread with his photos all over it posted and now bumped up many times.

    You are flat out full of bologna Mr. Flipper.

    You missed an opportunity to help your daughter (who basically asked you to give her answers as to why you stopped going) because you said you did not want to blow your cover as a fader.

    Yet you post up photos of yourself and the wife, and then bump up the thread many times, on a public site for EX JW's.

    If even one JW sees it your fade is dead in the water. They will easily see all of your posts attached to that photo and you will be DF'd with zero chance to help your daughter.

    Your credibility ranking just went into the dumpster.


  • flipper

    VINNY- My credibility did not go in the dumpster. But you are making yourself look very small minded in your threats against me. As I explained on another thread- my witness family does not come on the private section of this board where the pictures were posted. The Tahoe apostafest thread was bumped up to help encourage people to see that AFTER leaving the JW's we can receive support and comfort and good friendships with other ex-witnesses of like situations. You obviously are taking this opportunity to try maligning my character and I think people are intelligent enough here to see what you are all about. If you have differences with me in my tactics perhaps it would be better taken up in a private E-mail. You must have quite a vendetta against me to come off this aggressive. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • AllTimeJeff

    Vinny, stop it. Ok?

  • Vinny

    Flipper writes: "VINNY- My credibility did not go in the dumpster. But you are making yourself look very small minded in your threats against me.

    **** Where have I ever threatened you Flipper? That is a LIE and you know it. I will always call you out on lies. Why even lie at all here? I post my opinions and that is it.

    Flipper writes: "As I explained on another thread- my witness family does not come on the private section of this board where the pictures were posted."

    **** And as I explained (very nicely, btw) your family does not need to see your photos. ANY JW THAT HAS EVER KNOWN YOU can see your pic and then turn you in. It's just that simple.

    Flipper writes: " You obviously are taking this opportunity to try maligning my character and I think people are intelligent enough here to see what you are all about."

    **** You are the one that turned negative by saying thanks for my unsolicited advice. I was just initially pointing out an observation. I was even very respectful about it. Put on your reading glasses and read it again!

    Flipper writes: "If you have differences with me in my tactics perhaps it would be better taken up in a private E-mail. You must have quite a vendetta against me to come off this aggressive. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper"

    *** You asked for opinions on this thread and I shared them with you. Probably in greater detail than anybody else. I did so because I had strong opinions and feelings about this very subject, because as you know and as I stated I have been in your very shoes already with my own step daughter and son.

    You stated point blank that you could not be direct with your daughter due to needing to protect your fade status. And once you shared that with me I completely supported that direction. But then to see many photos, posted publicly, on an EX-JW website and then you keep bumping up the thread, is a clear contradiction to what you actually wrote.

    And after pointing that out you decide to get sarcastic.

    It is only then that you get called out for everything in a more direct approach.

    Just telling you the facts here. No axe to grind, not jealous of anything or anybody (are you kidding me), not trying to slander you, just being straight up with you.

    Agree or disagree is fine. But get smart/sarcastic about it and you can expect a stronger response too.

  • AllTimeJeff


    I am going to bed, but think about it: If Flipper, who looks over 21, posts pics on the internet of his own volition, what the hell do you care?

    I wouldn't do it. But I am pretty sure Flipper doesn't care what I think, nor should he.

    Him posting pics on the internet means absolutely nothing. Relax. Chill. No need to pull a Dick Cheney here....

  • flipper

    VINNY- Fortunately an emergency for you does not constitute a concern for me. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Vinny

    No emergency, no pill needed to be taken and no problems. He can post photos all he likes. Good for him. But it will put his fade and relationships with his JW family in danger the more he does so.

    And nobody can disagree with that.

    If you read how important those relationships (mother and daughters) were for Flipper to maintain, then perhaps you'd see why I wrote what I did.

    He could and did disagree with me.

    But he went to far and got smart.

    Then I had some fun.

    I am headed out to see some fireworks now. It's still early in Hawaii.

    Best to you all!


  • shamus100

    Then I had some fun.

    I am headed out to see some fireworks now. It's still early in Hawaii.

    Best to you all!


    Your definition of fun is much different than my definition of fun, but hey, that's just me.

  • Uzzah

    When someone presents themselves as a pseudo pyschologist and one with all the answers they set themselves up for the kind of scutiny Vinny is persuing albeit to a strange degree.

    Flipper can come across as a very arrogant "all knowing" character. Such characters are going to be challenged,

    C'est la vie

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