How do you respond to the JW statement: "The First Century had congregations, preaching, Elders, Servants, C.O.'s, and so do we!

by BonaFide 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide



  • mrsjones5

    Just because you say it and believe it doesn't make it true.

  • mraimondi

    they probably did, just not with the strange requirements and stringent rules around them.

    that is what gets the jws every time. They have alot of right ideas, but their "organization" ruins it all with arbitrary rules and weirdness.

  • BonaFide

    I am trying to help my family and friends, but sometimes I come up against difficult comments. The new book is going to make it harder I think, to get people out.


  • besty

    - scans Bible for evidence of corporate structure with publishing and property empire -

    the message of the New Testament is simple and clear and does not require intermediary organizations

  • LayingLow

    And so does most every other church. They had ministries like taking care of the poor which is talked extensively in the Bible. Servants = deacons in most churches which is actually very close to the greek word for it. Presbyters = older men = Elders, and C.O.'s = Bishop or Archbishop. I don't think any of those claims are particularly spectacular or unique. They have only changed the terminology.

  • BluesBrother

    So what ?

    It is not the organizational model that counts, rather the validity of the teachings..(get back to discussing the thorny problems about J W religion)

    In fact there is scant information in Scripture about how the first Century congregation worked in practice....Just because Paul travelled and Timothy appointed elders, or bishops or deacons according to your choice of translation, we cannot assume that they were run like the WTS...

  • Scott77


    I understand your sincerity to help family and friends out of the borg. For this thread, I am rooting for what LayingLow stated above. By the way, could you also ask your friends and family if first century christians did identify themselves as 'Jehovah's Witnesses'? When do we find this term repeately in the New Testament? How about the term 'full time and part time pioneers', regular monthly hours report, etc? Were the first century christians meetings called Kingdom Halls?


  • doofdaddy

    The first century also had (by bible reckoning anyhow) Jesus performing personal miracles, miraculous speaking in foreign languages (tongues), direct healings, resurrections, evidoers in congregations being struck dead for greed, direct visions of Jesus raised to heaven.

    What happened?

    Oh so they say that these miracles are no longer required due to preaching work? Well then no longer a need for cong, elders servants etc etc. Can't have it both ways.....

  • Dogpatch

    complete bull crunky.

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