How has Life Been Going For You ? Wanna Talk about It ?

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I'm addicted to snorting Pop Rocks.

  • yippyskippy007

    I sent in my letter yesterday and it was very liberating. They should have received it today. I edited it to be more professional and to the point. After I mailed it, my hubby and me went to celebrate at a local mexican restaurant that makes the BEST Long Island Iced Teas. Got a good buzz and walked over to the movie theater to watch "Drag Me to Hell" - which was a pretty silly movie, but silly enough that you had to laugh at it more than be scared.

    I told my dad last night that I sent my letter in. He said that he didn't think I would do it, but that it was my business and I told him that I am still me, but that I just choose not to be a witness anymore. I haven't been able to talk to my mom personally, but I sent her an email.

    Now that I have free time, I have been thinking about taking some belly dancing lessons. It's something I have always wanted to do. I've gone to a Buddhist seminar/vegetarian dinner with my sister. It was interesting and the people were very nice. I'll probably go back with her again. I like the meditation part. I have some yoga dvds that I am going to start practicing to help with inner peace and exercise.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx for asking, Flipper.

    Life is well.

    • I have been on a 'diet' - actually I refer to it as a lifestyle adjustment. I have lost a few pounds. I feel great.
    • I have a half dozen projects going on here in the house - building a built in entertainment center in my LR is the latest edition.
    • I learned to drink tequila shots at our 'worldly' Memorial Day party last week - taught by one of my good friends - who happens to be lesbian. [Interesting now that I would not trade that friendship for all the self-righteous Jw's in the state.]
    • Our Grandmunchkins are growing like weeds. Oldest is 10 in August already.
    • Wifey is working on finding 'alternative' methods of making a living - since the employment picture in the rust belt is so weak. Our current figures are around 18% I think in this county.

    Much more going on - be assured none of it is JW related - other than my visits on this board, which have become far less frequent in recent months.

    Peace and Namaste


  • Hortensia

    I'm OK - things are looking up financially. I have been doing some seminars here and there - hope to schedule enough of them to pay my bills the rest of the year. The publisher of my most recent book (a textbook) wants a new edition, updated, expanded, so I have some writing to do, to make some $$$.

    It's hot here, so I have planted some stuff for hot weather. Mostly the garden is sand and rock, but I have a bunch of herbs, some sunflowers, society garlic, yellow lantana, jasmine, tomatoes, potatoes, zinnias, a gorgeous small shrub with yellow flowers (I don't remember the name) and of course some citrus trees. So I'm enjoying my little bit of gardening. I have a compost pile too, and turning it over once a week is a nice bit of exercise.

    I have atrial fibrillation too, Grace, and get hospitalized now and then when they think I'm having a heart attack but I'm not. Haven't had one at all, but spend some time in the hospital having tests every year. I have learned to live with it and suppose I'll have a pacemaker one of these days. It's just one of those things!

    I'm looking forward to my vacation in August, the world's longest yard sale with my sister again. It was a lot of fun last year.

    Aren't our lives more pleasant and peaceful without the org.?

  • quietlyleaving

    Aren't our lives more pleasant and peaceful without the org.?

    yes hortensia

    the pleasance and peace of storms and rains, sunshine and frost - making my own schedule

    somebody said Knorr got the organsation onto a businesslike footing and that made me realise what is is that I'm glad I'm not part of anymore - the bureaucracy, always trying to meet some deadline or other and the frenetic PR aspects of JW life seemed to be all we ever did.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I've had to pull out of my funk. I've had some mild depression over being so totally duped by WTS and still having family in.
    Everybody talks to me, so no shunning in my case. But I have come to recognize that I am disappointed that my JW wife won't really discuss anything JW-related with me, so I have left some of my life in turmoil so she has to discuss that. Now that I realize it, I don't want to leave anything in turmoil, so I am pulling out of that.

    Bicycling, tennis, talking to other ex-JW's on the phone and meeting with them occasionally. These all help.

    Stay busy- my advise to others. Stay busy.

    Mouthy, I am glad you are still here to post. Watch out for that "driving with chest pains."
    That's actually what ambulances are for. Strength to you.

  • Quandry

    Why, thank you for asking, Mr. Flipper.

    And may I say that you look very happy and cool in that water!!

    Remember those hobbies that would take up time from witnessing, studying, or meetings? Well, now that I don't have those concerns, I've been developing a couple. I got a sketch pad and have been having a great time with it-I work at an elementary school and have been sketching children, and have done art projects for teachers. I am planning on taking some art classes in the fall.

    Also, I am taking French II this summer. Did well in French I. Someday I hope to go to Europe....would love to visit England, Scotland and France. Well, actually, I'd love to visit alot more countries, but will start with those. At any rate, although I might not be able to communicate fully after only two classes, I think I will be able to absorb more with a little knowledge of the language.

    My husband, the ever dutiful elder for more than twenty years, has decided to take up cooking. He is doing quite well....he watches all the cooking shows on T.V. and gets recipes off the internet. Some dishes have been a bit, shall we say, less than edible, but as time goes by, they are getting better.

    Hope all here on the forum can realize a potential that has been "waiting in the wings" and feel a sense of accomplishment!!!

  • lrkr

    I was just reflecting the other evening on this. My wife and I are closer than ever before. My son is playing sports and doing boy scouts and basically vicariously doing everything that was missing from my childhood. I have reconnected with my cousins, who were out for years- and our relationship is rich and enjoyable. I have connected with my community and become active in charitable endeavors, etc.

    Aside from some tense conversations and letters with my parents and siblings- life is very good.

  • YoursChelbie

    Hi Mr. Flipper. thanks for asking!

    How has Life Been Going:

    Well, I have been living here in the DFW area since 2007.

    Hopefully there will be a small gathering or Apostafest later this month..... Hope to see you there Quandry.

    But I digress... back to Mr. Flipper's topic:

    Let's see, between taking care of my school-age kids and working, and taking college classes, it's been a challenge being a single mom. But life goes on after a divorce and you just keep going. I get off work and find that I rush--no RUN home because at the end of the day I just want to be with them.


  • mouthy

    Mouthy, have you ever had that before?

    Did they give you anything for it or mention possibly a pacemaker?

    My Mom had something like that and they put a holster monitor on her to wear for a few days. She would attach it to the phone and they could read the printout of what her heart was doing. She ended up being OK..

    Hope you are OK now, and don't you dare Kick the're still needed here...

    No I didnt need anything.It was just my heart skipping heart beats,( must of been thinking of TOM JONES or looking at CO CO's picture LOl
    Onthewayout>>>Yeah the nurse read me the riot act.!!!I will try to remember....

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