How has Life Been Going For You ? Wanna Talk about It ?

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    job is well

    life is well

    kids are well

    being a witness, :-(

    getting out with no scars? priceless (i'm praying for that day)

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Life is well

    Kids are well

    I will always regret that my parents and my mother's family were and are involved with the cult. It has divided our family in ways that should never have happened. But I have built my own life in Georgia. All that bad stuff is in the past.

  • daniel-p

    getting out with no scars? priceless (i'm praying for that day)

    I would say "impossible," but who knows. Hope is better than despair.

  • truthseekeriam

    Not great right now.

    I'm new to this forum and new to the heartbreak of the whole molestation crapola.(personally affected) We are in the process of trying to figure out what to do.

    Do we move on and try to ignore the last few years and what we have seen and how we have been treated? Do we jump right back into the congregation pretending everything is fine?

    Do we leave everything we have known most of our life? Do we lose all our friends(?) and risk our families turning on us as well?

    Right now we have just been trying to keep busy with putting the kids in sports and other activities that keep the whole family busy. Which has been a great distraction. The kids are making new friends and loving it, but I can't help to feel a little guilty thinking... what if we are doing the wrong thing?

    We rarely attend meetings anymore we have a hard time listening to local talks like one that was given where the speaker mentioned a news story where a man was accused of molesting his young family members and how these horrible things happen outside Jehovah's Org I was so upset that they still will not mention these things also happen within.

    Thanks for asking Flipper.

  • coffee_black

    Life is great! Wonderful kids and grandkids who I can be proud of! Super boyfriend, a job I really enjoy! Doin' fine here...


  • Hortensia

    truthseekeriam, you are definitely doing the right thing. You are risking losing all your friends, family, but it's worth it. Take it from me - and the good news is that my entire family is now out of the org. You take the lead for your whole family, I hope that others follow you out of the org.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    You are absolutely doing the right thing. Keep posting and reading.

  • snowbird

    I'm doing pretty good, Flipper.

    Occasional problems with depression and hypertension, but John Doe (God love him) mentioned something in a pm that got me to thinking. It was about managing your moods.

    I'm trying to do that, and I can see results already!

    My little JW daughter is a senior in college now - after only 2 years! I"m waiting for the day when she kisses JWdom goodbye.


  • flipper

    Sorry I took 2 days to answer here my friends as I've been working a lot without much spare time. Good replies- all of you !

    SNAKES- I'm so glad you are doing well. I'm glad you are the happiest you've ever been ! It takes awhile once we exit the JW cult - but freedom is sweet ! I'm proud of your getting your degree. That's excellent ! Good for you.

    MOUTHY- Please take care of yourself. We all love you on the board here - and you are like a mother and grandmother to so many of us. So please get the medical attention you need - we want you with us for years to come !

    SUPERMAN- I'm glad life is good and getting better for you. I'm happy you finished your degree . Isn't it amazing how happier we are being out of the witnesses ?

    DARTH FROSTY- Glad all is well.

    LOLA28- I'm glad you are in love with a great guy ! I'm not a Lakers fan - but I'm glad your team got into the finals ! Better watch out for that Orlando team though- they are tough.

    HAPPY DAD- Glad you are living a happy life ! And that you found a great catfish bait.

    BILLY the EX-BETHELITE- I'm glad your fade is in full motion now. And that work is going well. And you have good health and are growing a garden ! My wife and I grow vegtables and it really saves $$$$.

    ELSEWHERE- You snort pop rocks ? Sounds like a sweet habit !

    YIPPY SKIPPY 007- That is good you sent your letter in and are standing up for your rights and freedom. I hope you can find fulfillment and happiness in moving on. Yoga is a good practice I have heard . I used to have a cat named Skippy ! Funny.

    AK-JEFF- Glad you are on a diet. I wish you success with it ! Sounds like you are staying busy with projects at your house . That's good. I hope the work front opens up more - I'm sure those grandchildren keep you busy ! But you and your wife are to be commended for the great job you do ! Hang in there , keep the good work up !

    HORTENSIA- Glad things are looking up financially for you . You enjoy gardening as well I see like my wife and I ! It really is great to be outdoors. And yes our lives are a lot more pleasant aren't they ?

    QUIETLY LEAVING- It is good to enjoy peace outside the organization. In the witnesses everything was about appearance all the time , PR and turning your time in. Nothing about love, kindness or empathy.

    OTWO- Good to hear you are staying busy with hobbies and activities and keeping in touch by phone with other ex-JW's. It will help you to move on. I do the same thing.

    QUANDRY- I'm happy to hear you are pursuing art, and your husband has got into cooking ! I enjoy cooking for Mrs. Flipper as well. That's so good you are pursuing French and art classes ! I hope it goes well for you.

    IRKR- I'm glad to hear your wife and you are closer than ever ! That's great. And that your son is playing sports ! That's tremendous. Life does move on.

    YOURS CHELBIE- It sounds like you are really busy balancing being a mother, college, and working to provide for your children. You are to be really commended for the love you have for your children in pushing so hard. Good for you.

    DA CHEECH- Glad things are going well for you. Hang in there in healing your witness scars- it takes time.

    SCARRED FOR LIFE- I'm glad your life is well and kids are well. I too regret many in my family are still trapped inside the witness cult as well. But you are right- gotta move forward and leave the past in the past.

    DANIEL P- Hope is better than despair, very true. And scars do heal. Even witness scars.

    TRUTHSEEKERIAM- Scared for Life and Hortensia are right - You are doing the right thing. Keep your kids involved with sports and activities that keep your family busy. The new friends your kids make outside the witnesses will be " unconditional " friendships as opposed to the " conditional " friends they had inside the witnesses. I agree it's awful that the organization will not admit they have a serious child abuse problem - but remember we are dealing with leaders of an organization who have NO conscience at all.

    COFFEE BLACK- I'm happy to hear your family is well and that you have a great boyfriend ! Life is good !

    SNOWBIRD- I'm glad to hear you are trying to manage mood swings. It's really hard in this stressful world sometimes- hang in there you will succeed ! I hope your daughter exits the witness cult just like I hope my daughters do the same ! Keep your chin up sis ! Keep smilin" ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Snoozy

    Mouthy I had the great priviledge of seeing Tom Jones last year. I have one of his pussy cat shirts.

    I tried to find his songs on You Tube that included his back up singers, I think those ladies are great. One in particular was so good, when she and Tom sing to each other you can just feel the sizzle.

    I wanna see him again!...


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