Talk by insane speaker ... try to listen ...

by Albert Einstein 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    He's speaking double talk. Creationism and evolution. Very judgemental.

  • Pistoff

    Did he just compare normal people to serial murderers?

  • restrangled

    He's actually laughing and cracked a joke in the midst of talking about putrified bodies. There is a word for this. Schadenfreud. Deriving joy from the misfortune of others.

    I'm speechless.


  • ziddina

    Luuuuv [NOT!] the emotional 'pendulum' swings just within the first minute - "We will be so happy loving YHWH - But we will be so scared during his WRATH - then - We will see such horrific monstrosities, heaps of DEAD BODIES..."

    Talk about hammering a person's brain into numb, mind-controlled submission by hitting it with too many dramatic images all at once...

    Drama [Queen], Drama [Queen], Drama [Queens]....

    "Try to picture this..." YUK!! Do we have to???

    "No one will mourn... We will not be traumatized... ...will not 'haunt' us, for the rest of our lives... Rather we will react to it... as when a vicious, serial murderer is executed... We will feel an inner satisfaction..."

    You can practically hear him drooling as he says these things... So, little tiny dead babies will be viewed as vicious serial murderers????? Yeah, right...

    I'm intrigued by the comment: "[These sights]...will not haunt us, for the rest of our lives..." Seems I'm not the only one bringing up the reality of how humans think - that, to see that much violence, destruction, and death, would be a permanently scarring trauma that people would remember - at a pre- or sub-conscious level, if not consciously - all of their lives. ['Course, the JDubs will try to claim that after "Forever", people will eventually 'forget'!! In other words, part of "Paradise" is having selective Alzheimers??]

    Well, we all know the WTBTS' attitude towards psychotherapy, don't we?? Unless the [JW] therapist is willing to 'rat' his clients out... These non-college-educated jacka**es have NO clue as to how long people would carry such horrific memories - 'forever' - they need to ask a few "Holocaust" survivors whether the memories EVER leave...

    I see this as another attempt - effort - at mind-control by the WTBTS to further harden their 'loyal' members' hearts towards their own, no-longer-associating loved ones... It is spine-chilling, to say the least. That other thread - "Would JWs stone us if it weren't IL-legal" - anyone who doubts that they would do so, need to listen to this talk and realize how BLOODTHIRSTY the WTBTS' thinking actually is.

    I've noticed many, many times in the past how the speakers frequently seemed to slaver and drool over the thoughts of all the death and destruction at Armageddon.

    I am especially disturbed by this 'hardening' - I can see, as JWs become ever more inured towards the use of violence, the potential for some 'JW mental case' to take things into his/her own hands and start killing so-called 'apostates'... Others have mentioned actually hearing such statements - this chills me to the bone.


  • hamsterbait

    Can you give a clickable link -

    I want to spread this about, but I cannot get an easily typed line to reference it.


  • ninja

    anybody got the mp3?....I used to have it ....would like to have it on my ipod

  • wobble

    Ninja, are you a goddam' masochist ?



  • Narkissos

    I wonder what's the point of controlling every congregation and assembly talk (not to mention literature) when high-ranking representatives of the organisation are allowed to say just anything publicly.

  • leavingwt


    Is this the MP3 that you're looking for?


  • ninja

    lwt.......cheers bruv...

    and wobbly....yep....I am a masochist........I'm going to listen to it tomorrow after the jonestown death tape.....and the mp3 I have of snowbird singing the kingdom songs

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