My letter...

by yippyskippy007 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Well done in expressing yourself Yippy, but is the profanity really necessary, isn't that unintentionally lowering your stature to their level ?

    If I could make an suggestion perhaps you could elaborate further on your investigation and research of this religious faith

    and that you've come to the conclusion that it is a false misrepresented publishing religious company, that is the only real truth that it

    contains and to continue supporting it would be morally wrong. You and your husband are on the road to recovery, wishing both of you all

    the best in the future. I cant and wont recommend another religion to look in to because I'm a secular humanest, I think your husband knows

    this by my posting, but that said I'd like to welcome you back to humanity and thanks for giving us a try once again.

  • StAnn

    I'd love for you to include in your letter that you've decided to leave NOW since you read the July 09 Awake that says no one should be forced to worship against their will and no one has to choose between their religion and their family; and that studying the Bible doesn't cause your family to break up. So, now that the WTS has backpedaled on its df-ing people who change their minds and leave the WTS, you're on your way out.

    St. Ann

  • Marjorie

    Welcome to the board darlin'! And Happy Anniversary to both of you!

    As per the letter, I agree with Homerovah - but it's your letter. Send it any way you like.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi there....

    Resignation letters are a fascination with me, and I have only one point to get across....

    Do it for you.

    I am not going to say that if you have a point to prove, that there aren't better ways..... But that isn't the point. The fact is, you are expressing yourself, and personally, although I wouldn't do the profanity, if that is really what you want to let them have, its your letter, its your life they tried to steal, and I am all for you doing what you need to do...

    (I am sure you appreciate my permission.... ;)

    Here is something I always remind anyone who asks about a resignation letter, if you want to do it for yourself, make it as long as War and Peace. If you are hoping someone, (esp a local elder) will read it, then keep it to no more then 1 page, front and back. If you can do a condensed masterpiece on one side of one page, that I promise you will get read by a lot of people....

    But the important thing is that you are out. My sincerest best wishes for the rest of your life!

  • HappyDad


    you are a gem and I congratulate you for your decision. This old HappyDad and ex elder wishes every spouse who has come to JWN can have the same happiness as your spouse.

    Your letter is wonderful......but I would wait a day or so until the bubbly wears off a little. Change a few words and then submit it. Let them know you are not a robot.

    Sacolton......this is a dream come true for you!


  • HappyDad

    PS to yippiskippy.....

    I would also send a letter of why you no longer want to be a follower of the "borg" to every JW you know. Who might make a few who feel the same way make their decision.


  • homeschool

    I say DONT CHANGE A THING. LMAO. ....if you go with the whole 'here's why I believe you are false,' they will quit reading it on sentence #2. You get an A + from me!

  • ablebodiedman


    I recommend that you tell them that you don't want to go door to door teaching people Satan's original lie.

    Lie 1 JW's: - Millions now living will never die!

    Lie 1 Satan: - you positvely will not die!

    Lie 2 JW's: - You can know the truth!

    Lie 2 Satan: You can know the difference between good and bad.

    It's the EXACT Same Lies!

    Download and attach the linked to 2 page document to your letter for a more greaphical communication of the above:

    Next, tell them that you don't want to go door to door teaching people that Jesus Christ is communicating to this world only through a small and exclusive group of men from soewhere deep inside the inner chambers of the Brooklyn Bethel.

    Then quote this scripture:

    Matthew 24:25

    23 “Then if anyone says to YOU , ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned YOU . 26 Therefore, if people say to YOU , ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; Look! ‘He is in the inner chambers,’ do not believe it.!

    For a more graphical presentation attach this two page document to your letter also:

    I was disfellowshipped for sending my letter not just to the Presiding Overseer but also to each and every other member of the congregation as well as any other JW address (snail mail and email)I had in my possession!

    Sent over 150 letters.

    I did it for Jesus Christ's sake.

    When I left the judicial committee hearing I jumped for joy.

    My recommendation.

    Go out with a bang!




    YippeeSkippy007..Welcome to the board!!..Loved your letter "Fuck you very much!" ..LOL!!..............Salcolton..You are one lucky man!.......................OUTLAW

  • purplesofa

    Welcome to the Board,

    and Happy Anniversary,


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