My letter...

by yippyskippy007 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    you gotta say what works for you and are to be congratulated on the your decision to tell them to f*#k off :-) of course it will make it easier for them to thought stop the actual reasons for you leaving.

    One thing I would change is:

    I agree that people should not be “luke warm”. You either believe everything 100% percent or you don’t. You can not sit on the fence, and I have decided not to anymore; therefore I am submitting this letter of resignation so to speak.

    Why can't people be allowed to be lukewarm? Cults deal in black and white thinking. The real world deals in shades of grey. It's called using your own conscience - not an implanted one dreamed up by a pulblising and property company from New York.

    Maybe something like:

    "After much prayerful/thoughtful* consideration I have come to realize my God-given conscience had been slowly eroded and replaced with a organizational counterfeit. My original conscience has no problem enjoying normal loving family relationships with those you have decided are worthy of extreme shunning. My original conscience has no problem enjoying my birthday - Job 1:4. My original conscience does not find the need to count and report the time spent on distributing Watchtower literature. In fact I have searched the Scriptures and cannot find the requirement for a publishing and property company based in Brooklyn to be an intermediary in my relationship with God."

    *delete as appropriate

    Anyways, welcome to JWN, welcome to the rest of your life and enjoy your new freedom.

  • yippyskippy007

    And don't forget about my coconut cream pie...

    o boy o boy o boy o boy

  • yippyskippy007

    Thanks for your suggestions, Besty.

  • mindmelda

    *howls* That's the best letter EVER!

    Seriously, how could anyone but a complete TOOL of the Crotchwatcher Drivel and Crap Society not read that and die laughing.

    I'd leave the cussing in. Let them know how normal human beings who aren't "Children of the Borg" Stepford Witnesses express themselves, it'll be good for them.

    I always swore like a sailor ( drove me nuts when I couldn't do it around the really prissy JWs, but I know plenty of Witnesses who swear at work or at home--Hypocrisy 101- most Witnesses could teach it), but the one thing I can't bring myself to do is use "Jesus Christ" profanely...I mean, what did he ever do to become swear word?

  • sacolton

    I agree with Besty. The organization wants you to feel guilty for having a normal family relationship with your disfellowshipped sister. This is NOT being "luke warm".

  • StoneWall

    Welcome to the board Yippy!!

    Sacolton from reading a while back on some of your other threads I saw that you and I were close in age.

    Same year born etc. So if I read your wife's story correctly she's 29 ?

    So StoneWall starts doing his fuzzy math: Sacolton 42

    Yippy 29

    Difference 13

    Somebody rocked the cradle (heehe)

    Just ribbin with you two. Enjoy your holiday off together.

    And oh by the way,

    Happy Anniversary

  • sacolton

    Love conquers all ... even age differences.

    Seriously, my wife and I are best friends too.

  • mraimondi

    eh, kinda childish, but gets the job done


  • coffee_black


  • stillajwexelder

    ood one

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