Those of you that born in the Borg in the late 60;s and early 70's

by James Mixon 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Was life that bad for you? We are really sorry...
  • Crazyguy
    My parents came in to the Truuf in the mid 70's I was a small child. Lets be blunt the religion ruined my childhood all hopes and dreams. It took away all that I could of been because I was forbidden to do what I wanted to do or what I was good at. No sports, no after school activities, no higher education nothing.

    Lets be blunt the religion ruined my childhood all hopes and dreams. It took away all that I could of been because I was forbidden to do what I wanted to do or what I was good at. No sports, no after school activities, no higher education nothing.

    ............Image result for welcome to the club

  • JWdaughter

    My life wasn't so bad. Thank God my dad wasn't a JW and lent some balance to my life. Mom is a true beleiver. Birthdays and Christmas ended (she took awhile to commit, but my whole life was spent mired in it) when I was 8 or so. I had regular nightmares and daymares about persecution. Fortunately, while there were a few asses in the cong, most of the folks were good hearted and well meaning. My parents loved each other and our relatives put up with my mom's weird religious inclinations pretty graciously. School was hard-being different and feeling obligated to underline it (my own worst enemy at times, trying to PROVE (to myself) that I had the truth. Then when I realized it wasn't the truth, I felt obligated (by the teachings drummed into me my whole life about being in the truth) to say what I really thought. Placed me in an awkward position at 15.

    Yeah, I did see the whole 1975 thing and NO, it wasn't a made up drama by mad ex-JWs. I was there.

  • truthseeker100
    I saw the whole 1975 thing too, it sure as hell was not dreamed up by mad ex-JWs. I was born in since the early 60's.
  • cofty

    I was a born-in, early 60s.

    In retrospect it has had an entirely negative effect on my life. I detest it and everything it stands for.

  • BluesBrother

    I was a teen in the late sixties and a young adult in the seventies... Sure there was negativity to the youth culture of the day, they were running scared at the long haired hippie druggy lifestyle being taken up by youth of "the world". But it was a great time to be a committed dub.

    It was all so exciting! We were surely in the "last of the last days" . The end was due in a year or two or maybe just months. Nobody planned for anything but the near future . "This was the day of all days and WE were privileged to see it.....What is there not to be thrilled over?

    Of course the WTS was quietly building for the future acquiring new property in Brooklyn and building at Walkill, but we never saw that as a contradiction......

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I can totally concur. I was 12 in 1975 thought Jehovah was going to kill me. My parents were half in and I knew enough that I thought Jehovah was going to destroy my whole family. What a mind trip to put on a five year old. I literally counted down the years I had to live starting at about the age five. No joke.

    I know was a strange kid I know but I truly thought my life would be over in 1975. Then this stupid elder's wife in the hall I went to who was born in 1978 told in me in 2008 it was all made up lies. That 1975 was not that big of deal and those who say it was are apostate. You truly cannot convince them that it happened. Now those who were born in 1975 are 40. The GB have done a great job of hiding the past. The book 1985 anyone.

    This religion ruined my life. I will never be who I could have been and it is so frustrating to be told to just get over it and move on now that I am 50.


  • Slave4_38y
    James, what made being born and raised during that time different?
  • Kanon
    Then this stupid elder's wife in the hall I went to who was born in 1978 told in me in 2008 it was all made up lies.

    This is never got heard this from so many people, the mindset of 75 is easily proven just using the WT library.

    The most intesting quote on this I say is - "One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the “day and hour”!

    Now is NOT the time to listen to Jesus.

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