...Jehovah`s Witness`s have the most Stable Marriages...

by OUTLAW 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    I am waiting for th3e juicy details....

  • undercover

    There may have been a time, a long time ago, in a galaxy for away, when most JW marriages were stable...but it was also the same time that divorce was somewhat of a scandal across the board, though it did happen.

    But, as times changed and divorce became more accpetable in the general population, divorce become more prevelant in the JW lifestyles. Not that it became more acceptable, it just happened anyway.

    I remember my parents generation used to exclaim shock at my generation's amount of divorce, it being more common than during their younger years.

    Now that I'm an old fart, I've been able to watch the generation or two of youngsters behind me grow up and get married. Now, I'm like my parents, I exclaim shock at the amount of breakups and divorces that I see happening among JWs still in their early 20s even. I know one "sister" who has been married twice, divorced twice and is working on getting engaged again, and she's barely 23 years old. Back in the day, that would have been scandalous. Today, no one even blinks an eye, not even at the KH.

    It's interesting that while in so many ways, the Society continues to maintain such a control on the mind and thinking of their followers, yet when it comes to certain things, they can't control them. Sex, marriage, divorce and entertainment seems to always be areas where the Society can't control anyone. If someone wants sex bad enough, they're gonna do it, damn the consequences. Same with marriage and divorce. 17 and 18 year olds wanna get married (actually they wanna get laid but that's a 'hole 'nuther thread) and no one can talk them out if it. You can preach "God hates a divorce" all you want, but if you're trapped in a bad marriage, you'll curse God and take the divorce so you can have some peace of mind.

  • ziddina

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the JW divorce rate showed a HUGE spike (increase) in 1976, '77, '78.... And probably again after the next series of disappointments - ah, I mean "NEW LIGHT" that showed up in the '90's - I was out in early 1980's so I missed all of that... Zid

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Stable??? If you get married and tied down before you're done sowing your wild Oats ...it will probably lead to Horsing around

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    If one thing can be said JWS are one of those religions that if one partner stops being a follower the chances of that marriage

    dissolving is more than likely, people who post in this forum will contest to that.

  • palmtree67

    I kept telling myself that my marriage was stable.

    But when you're married to someone for over 20 years, work full time and he has never done a load of laundry, made a bed, cleaned a toilet, vaccumed a rug, cooked a meal, said thank you or I'm sorry for anything........

    It suddenly dawns on you that maybe your marriage isn't so stable.

  • Nowman

    That what my parents wanted everyone to think, that we were the perfect little JW family. But, behind closed doors it was a different story, funny that when your a kid...its seemed like normal life...then your out for 16 years ..and you know its WRONG.

    Everyone was marrying at 18 back in the early 90s, I used to be so envious because I wanted to have sex too - LOL


  • Quirky1

    Most of the bro's in th KH I knew have been married multiple times. One was divorced over his wife, CO's daughter, coming out of the closet.

  • Gordy

    I was speaking to another ex-JW from my old congregation, this afternoon, I mentioned this subject. That set her off on a long list of JWs who had split or divorced since I left 9 years ago.

    I was going "Not them they seemed so happliy married."

    She would say "Don't you believe it . You only saw them at the Hall. At home she was popping the Prozac and hitting the bottle."

    Another couple were always having fights. Young ones, who I knew as little kids, who got married at 18 or so, split up within a couple of years.

    This is a good one, but can't understand the reasoning behind why they were DF'd. But basics are these. Married couple, probably 25-30 age range. Go on holiday to the Canary Islands. About 2-3 months later they let slip that they spent most of their time both naked on a nudist beach.

    What could they have been DF'd for - "lewd behaviour" ???

  • helpaJWwife


    This will not happen to me! I may have only been married 6 months but this is my second marriage and I will do everything possible to keep it together. I can't beleive all the storys about elders cheating. Really? It's scary to think that the ones that are guiding my husband in his religion are possibly fakes. I assumed that JW marriages where pretty stable as long as both were beleivers....even though his JW parents are divorced, it still shockes me.by the way what is a DUB?? I'm still learning.

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