...Jehovah`s Witness`s have the most Stable Marriages...

by OUTLAW 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    I wish we could see statistics for how many witness couples actually really loved each other and had chemistry with each other. I have this feeling the majority didn't marry for the best reasons.

  • Finally-Free

    In my family JW marriages have a 100% failure rate.


  • crapola

    Honestly, I saw more flirting going on inside the cong. than I ever did on the outside. It was shocking and very disheartening.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think there should have been a lot more flirting. Before marriage. What dull, lifeless, boring marriages. Occasionally you saw one that had any life or real love in it.

  • HintOfLime

    From the statistics I've heard, if in a group of 100 people, there is one divorce every two years, then that group is divorcing at the national average rate.

    In the three halls I've been, there have been roughly one divorce every six months, or 4x the national average (Those things often come in waves, so consider the average over 10 years or so).

    I've been through a typical JW marriage. Married one of the few people I knew based on 'spiritual reasons'. Then we both grew up, and realized our marriage was based on a bunch of limiting religious factors, rather than love.

    - Lime

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Not a true statement at all, particularly so for the reasons that many have stated.

    Many of the marriages were forced marriages in the way that sex can not be conducted unless one is married,

    which usually forces young people who aren't emotionally mature enough or ready for this kind of commitment and just

    like non- JWS the highest rate of divorces are in the 20 year old group.

    I can remember teenagers young as 15, 16 getting married.

    One other thing that stirs instability in JWS marriages is the degrading and demeaning role that the JWS wifes play as the subjective

    servant to their more powerful husbands, in this day of equality between the sexes this causes all sorts instability in jws

    marriages at home, of course there are many men that enjoyed this arrangement to its fullest.

  • ziddina

    "Jehovah`s Witness`s have the most Stable Marriages" WHAT??? Oh, OUTLAW started this thread... It's a joke! It's a joke!

    I'd say that "Jehovah's Witnesses" have the most STAGNANT marriages....!! Also, very DYSFUNCTIONAL ones....!! But harder to get out of than Alcatraz... At least, mine was... Zid

  • Heaven

    Not in my family.... and not in any of the congregations my parents attended/attend. Headship doesn't work.... collaboration does. Marriages work because both parties want it to and when they work toward that goal. I have non-JW friends who have great marriages and ones that don't. The stability of the marriage depends on the parties involved. I know of inter-faith marriages that work just fine as well.

    What I have discovered is that 2 basic things need to be in place to go forward in any relationship:

    1) You need to live by a principled code -- one that you base yourself on and actively embrace.

    2) You need to know what you want in life.

    If you don't have those 2 things, any relationship you have is going to be troubled, especially a marriage.

  • mraimondi

    i have no other experience but to agree with the witnesses in this case.

    maybe its cause im in a rural area though? The marriages here seemed to be rock solid from what i saw. One divorce over a 10 year period in this hall, from one guy who was a recent convert and went back to his ex wife (they are back together now, the guy is reinstated). lol...

    otherwise, this congregation hasnt seeen any other. The people i associated with seemed to have really good marriages... maybe i just didnt see it?

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I found this website helpful in discussing statistics about JW divorce compared with other religious groups.


    Sorry, I don't know how to make it clickable.

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