My wounds opened up badly today

by Maddie 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    I am so sorry Maddie.

    Your DIL is proceedeth out of the heart.

    Bide your time; your son and grandchildren will come to recognize this evil for what it is because it will (sadly) touch their lives, too.

    Maybe her "testimony" in action will be the very thing that pulls the rest of them away from the JW spell.

    I am sorry for your loss and this sad time in your life.


  • davegod

    The only members of my family to show at my Mom's funeral were the non JW members. This was in a KH mind you. As for the other witnesses they were friendly, sat my entire worldly family on the front row and invited us back to the PO house for food etc. What they are doing is on their own. They both need a slap in the face.

    Sorry for your pain and your loss.

  • jambon1

    Maddie. That is a terrible shame that you have had to go through grief and rejection all at the same time.

    I cannot even conceive of not having contact with my childrens children. It is one of the cruelest things about the

    WTS. One of the foremost things that I hate the most about the religion. How people can treat their own flesh & blood

    like this is simply beyond me. To hand the toys back? How utterly horrible. I wish you well & hope the situatuation

    changes. Regards. J

  • Scott77


    What's new and how is everything going since this last post?



  • mouthy

    Maddie..I just read this post. I am so sorry for what the "LOVING" family of JW's
    have done & are doing to you.

    I believe God sees all. Imagine what they are doing in the name of GOD!!!
    How dare they,,,, "OUR" God tells us to love even our enemies.

  • Maddie

    I decided to write a letter to the local newspaper that is distributed freely to every house in town and it has been published. Not only published, but is highlighted as the Editor's letter of the week!

    I wrote about the plight of grandparents not having any legal right of contact with their grandchildren at the moment and my own particular case. Here is the letter I wrote which was entitled: "The tears I shed for my little angel"

    Sir, Many grandparents are being denied contact with their grandchildren through no fault of their own and are powerless to do anything to change the situation.

    When marriages end in divorce and families are divided, grandparents can often find themselves facing enforced estrangement fromtheir grandchildren. Whatever the reason that causes the separation, the fact is that grandparents do not, at this time, have any legal right of contact and this causes great pain and heartache.

    I have been denied all contact with my only grandchild for the past year. My granddaughter is nearly two years old and my husband and I have been prevented from seeing her by my son and daughter-in-law.

    We grew to love her with all our hearts and I used to call her my little angel. I have cried many tears for not being able to show her the love we have for her and for her being denied the right of having the love and support of her grandparents asshe grows up.

    My son and daughter-in-law are Jehovah's Witnesses and although I am also a member, I no longer attend their meetings. This is my only "crime" and my punishment is to be shut out of their lives.

    I have always loved my son dearly and always will, but I have to be able to make my own decisions with regard to religious matters. Consequently, even though my husband and I have only ever shown them love and kindness we have been ostrasized from their lives and from the life of my granddaughter. We are not allowed to send gifts to her and my son has returned the ones that we had previously given.

    We hear much about human rights nowadays, the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religious belief" while Article 20 says: "No one may be compelled to belong to an association".

    Unfortunately, the organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses does not respect these basic human liberties. They compel their members to stay within their association by imposing a nearly intolerable cost for resigning their membership. The penalty for leaving is enforced shunning by family members and former friends.

    There is increasing hope that in the near future grandparents will be given the right to have contact with their grandchildren as the call for the law to be changed is gaining widespread political support and the voices are getting louder.

    Until that time arrives I have a special place in my heart just for my little angel.

    I am really hoping that it has a positive impact.


  • BonaFide

    I am so sorry for how you are being treated. Some of my family is doing that to me. That's why I want to do something to make the WT fall apart.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dearest Maddie:

    A beautifully written declaration about your loss. Let there remain hope in your heart, however. I do know personally of reversals of attitude and behavior of the mind-controlled ones.

    May any future tears shed by you be those of happiness, as you experience the eventual opening of your JW family's mind and eyes.



  • GoddessRachel

    WOW, Maddie, I am so sorry this happened to you, but THANK YOU for that letter. I am saving a copy if I may as the line of reasoning is so sound and really puts the JWs in an ugly light! The truth hurts.

    Hang in there, you are wonderful!


  • cawshun

    Maddie, I feel so sad for what is being done to you and to your grand-daughter. I like the letter you wrote to the paper, the more that get's out to the public the better.

    I hope one day the WT is brought down and all this bs comes to an End. Those are the Last Day's I'm waiting for. Hang in there, maybe one day you will get reuntied with your angel.

    Best Wishes and condolences for your loss.


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