Watchtower July 15th - womanly submission issue scan

by dozy 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    I once heard it said at an A$$embly that women should be thankful for their place in the family -"IT IS AN EXALTED ROLE"

    EXCUSE ME? In dubland a female mathematician concert pianist doctor architect engineer etc, would be expected to give up her career to wash sweaty socks and cook clean and sew for some indolent male, who just wants to be an ELDUH.

    If the role described in the Witchtower litterature is exalted, wouldn't the men have grabbed it for themselves long ago?

    I remember the horror of Simone de Beauvoir when her lover Nelson Algren suggested getting married:

    His idea of wedded bliss "I hear the stew bubbling on the stove as I write my books, and you at the sink washing my socks..."


  • AllTimeJeff
    I once heard it said at an A$$embly that women should be thankful for their place in the family -"IT IS AN EXALTED ROLE"

    Yet another example of this cults ability to call a pile of crap chocolate soufle.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Submission my arse (as Jim Royle would say).

  • veen

    "A perfect model of submission to authority"

  • mindmelda

    Oh, the pictures! LOL Stepford JWs.Pleasantville! My kids always thought the picts of JW families in the magazines were Stepford Wives creepy and I found out most of the non-Witness people who see them do too. I wonder if the GB has any idea how weird this looks to everyone else? Are they that out of touch? Probably, and proud of it.

    I ran across so many men who used this crapola as an excuse to abuse, belittle and dehumanize their wives and daughters that I think I'm going to be sick reading this. It seems like all the progression I thought was coming on some of these things in the late 80s/90s has gone down the tubes. Flipflop number one zillion ninety eight! *sigh*

    My JW parents crack me up on this issue, though. My dad is naturally the feeling nurturer and my mom is the cool disciplinarian. The role reversal in my family gave me plenty to be confused about. When they became JWs, nothing home. But in public, my mom would play the deferential wife.

    At home, my dad privately to us always called her "The General". LOL

    Trying to enforce these dated gender roles on people now is like trying to get us to start using wood stoves and kindling to cook when you've used a microwave. No thanks!

  • dinah

    I said this about 3 years ago.....I'm gonna run out and buy me a penis.

    The sad thing is they use this rule to let men get away with ANYTHING. A woman's word is never valid, neither are the words of her children. They are all considered "rebellious" (which gives the abusive bastard more reason to crack down harder on them for DARING to air their business in front of other MEN)

    It's a culture of submission, abuse (and loving the abuse)

  • mindmelda

    Well, it's actually the Bronze Age, but close enough to the Stone Age. LOL. That's the archaeological era covered by the Mosaic law period up until the era of the Israelite kings.

    The Bronze Age was one of the most brutal and uncivlized periods in human history. The EurAsian continent was swept by one conquering Indo European tribe after another, and there was little peace. Humans warred constantly. It's estimated by one noted anthropologist, Jared Diamond, that up to 40% of adult males in tribal cultures of this time died violently, usually in warfare with neighboring tribes, or in disputes over land, women or property.

    This is the era that the Hebrews accepted the Mosaic law. It was a civilizing influence, to be sure, but it's still the harsh and inflexible law of a brutal time.

    It's not even binding on Christians anyway... but I guess that even in the time of the apostles, men were still big chauvanists, including the apostles.

    Remember when they wouldn't listen to the women who said they saw Christ risen form and talked to him? That's because women were never taken as a legal witness to anything under Jewish law. There's nothing in the actual law that says the testimony of a woman is to be disregarded, but that was just the custom of the time. The apostles were still influenced by their misogynistic culture. They wouldn't believe a mere woman, even if she was a fellow worshipper in Christ!

    Can you imagine how hard it was for these patriarchal, chauvanistic Jews to regard women as their fellow inheritors of the Kingdom? Not to mention Gentiles.

    I really think that the Bible restrictions on women then were mainly for the fragile male egos. They had a long way to go in accepting women as spiritual equals in the sight of God.

    But, do we need to copy the deficiencies of first century Christians to be pleasing to God? I doubt it. Not everything the Hebrews or the first century Christians did was written down to imitate, you know...some of was terribly stupid and peculiar to that time and place.

  • Virgochik

    This is totally disgusting and caused my teenage rebellion as an elder's daughter. My dad warned me I'd never get a husband with my attitude, My retort was, good! I don't want one anyways! Now I'm married, and sometimes my husband and I fight like cats and dogs, but nobody is the boss of the other. We wouldn't have it any other way. We're no 1950's couple, like Lucy and Ricky. Honestly, my mother really did scamper to the door in her gingham apron to greet dad when he came home from work. It made me want to hurl then, and I sure can't see how any 2009 woman can go along with this crap. Yuck!

  • loosie

    A marriage is an EQUAL partnership not a manager/subordinate relationship. Geez the WT needs to get a clue.

    Apparantly Eve was more submissive then Adams first wife Lilith. that woman wanted to be on top ( when they were doing it)... can you imagine the horror.

  • loosie
    I said this about 3 years ago.....I'm gonna run out and buy me a penis.

    Where can I get one Dinah? They sure would come in handy when I use public restrooms when I'm camping. I hate sitting.

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