Please tell everone why you are a good person worth getting to know ....

by The Berean 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Hi Again:

    I believe all of us have certain gifts that others can benefit from. I guess sometimes a JW upbringing does not allow some to feel good about who they are. Personally, I am still looking for reasons to like other people ...

  • flipper

    The Berean- Well , interesting question. I guess I could speak as well for me and my wife Mrs. Flipper that we are honest, straight shooting people. We won't say anything just to impress others if we don't believe in it. But we are fun to be with ! We have good friends on this board and JWS who know we are loyal and have their back if they need help. But we aren't gullible. If people need a hearing ear we will always be there - however we know how to differentiate users and takers from givers and authentic friends.

    We have lots of interesting hobbies- are into listening to music live and recorded , blues, rock and roll, reggae, R&B , etc. Love to play Scrabble regularly. We hike in the mountains, camp, go fishing , love photography. We respect anyone who is religious, but we respect those who are not as well. We are atheists/agnostic - we just believe in living life to the fullest and bringing happiness to friendships , as well as making a positive difference in people's lives whether they are ex-witnesses , or soon to be jumping off the fence witnesses , or never been witnesses. We both like seeing people think free and living free of cult mind control.

    We enjoy cooking ( mainly I cook for my wife a lot ) love to BBQ , experiment with good breakfasts, etc. We have 3 dogs and 3 cats - live in the mountains , love outdoor living. Love animals ! Even Bigfoot- which my son ( 24 yrs. old ) and I will be searching for again in a few weeks ! I'm serious. So that's us in a nutshell, quirky senses of humor , serious when we need to be , but enjoying life as it comes ! Live in the here and now because it's what we have and can control

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    SOLD .........Flipper you convinced me I want to get to know you, and your wife better !

    I on the other hand am quite boring ......

  • flipper

    TROUBLED MIND- You aren't boring at all ! I've read your posts and threads and you have great takes on things ! Gonna build you up friend ! I'll PM you our phone number if you are interested ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    I don't think so, troubled mind!

  • ziddina

    Whoops! I was off-topic again, wasn't I?? Reasons to like other people.... I can really identify with (where I think?? ) where you are probably coming from... I was REALLY bitter against people for a LOOONG time - starting at the age of 13!! I HATED my parents for beating me into the religion, and by extension, hated everyone else on the planet for not rescuing me from them! Eventually, I realized that there were many things in my life that I ENJOYED - that were created by other people. Reasons to like other people....

    I began thinking about all those scientific discoveries that helped me exit the religion/cult... I thought about that man at the door I called on when I was 10-11 who told me "These people are just using you!" He didn't know who I was, but he tried - and succeeded - in helping me. I thought about the lady who came through Denver a long time ago, who was quoted in the Rocky Mountain News as saying, "I cannot believe that people still believe in the bible in this day and age..." Her comments helped me exit the religion/cult... I thought about the people at the Rocky Mountain News who would print every single bad thing that happened amongst Jehovah's Witnesses, starting with that bizarre double-murder in Evergreen in (I think??) the early 1960's... The staff at the Rocky Mountain News helped me get out of the religion/cult... Though I don't know ANY of those people personally, I am deeply indebted to them - without their anonymous help, I would probably still be stuck in that religion with my parents, {{shudder!!}}, still married to that creepy Jehovah's Witness ex-husband...

    Going on the other side of the coin, tho there's been a lot of grief mentioned on these boards about elders' misbehavior and cruelty/stupidity/calloused attitudes, I must say that the elders I knew were much kinder to me than my own parents. I bear them no ill-will; they were generally truly interested in the well-being of the congregation. This was back pre-1975, by the way...

    People in general have good, bad, confusing, irritating, and just plain strange characteristics. I've stopped looking for perfection - in friends, surrogate mothers, husbands, neighbors, and so on. Oh, I've stopped looking for perfection from myself, either. Makes things so much easier! Although there are many reports of violence, there are so many, many unreported acts of simple kindness and care that I also see. I no longer hate people. That's saying a lot; I used to be very hateful towards humanity, while a JW and while deprogramming - doing that mostly by myself, by the way. The further I got from the WTBTS, the further I got from the judgmental attitudes of the WTBTS, the more I liked people and the more those nasty characteristics dissolved from my soul.... [judgmentality, self-righteousness, calloused unconcern, etc.]

    But, I always have to remember the wise words of an SCA friend: "You can't save the world". Do what you can. That's all that you CAN do...

    Besides! Look at all the wonderful people here on the boards!! I've met thru the boards so many interesting, kindly, caring people!! These boards are great fun, refreshment for my soul, sources of information and gifts of totally different perspectives - all in one place!

    Things about myself?? I'm highly creative - I made every single one of those outfits you see above. The gold-and-black outfit has two 'firebirds' in gold/copper sequins and beads - took several months to make. I do quilting, Medieval garb/costuming, and so on. I really enjoy my creativity.

    I'm kind to animals - rescue critters all the time. Won't go into details - sometimes a bit saddening... But I have a tender spot for critters - and children. I decided not to have kids - came from family that was too dysfunctional plus don't believe in over-populating planet, but...

    Small group of local kids have adopted me. They show up on my doorstep almost every afternoon now. I let them in, supervise when they play with my hamsters, cats, dog; and bake cookies/lemon bars and give them fruit juice/tea/spring water... Would like to introduce them to hiking, if the somewhat rigid, anal parents would agree...

    Did all of the above help?? Zid

  • truthsetsonefree

    DAMN Ziddina, your first post still has me drooling I mean amazed! Anyway back on topic...

    Topics like this make me feel like I'm bragging so I'll keep it short and sweet. I'm an excellent listener, intelligent, capable with tools and technology and a good father. That's about it.


  • Cadellin

    I rescue worms that have gotten washed out onto damp sidewalks.

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- You and my wife would have a lot in common. She is a seamstress by trade- has been for 19 years, very talented. She sews and does alterations for a living. She also ,like myself loves animals and never had children either ( I have 3 in their 20's grown up & on their own. ) She was never a witness but is a great friend to many on the boards. Mrs. Flipper and I love the mountains also as we live in the Sierra mtns. in Northern California. Good for you that you learned to enjoy living after the witnesses ! Life is great isn't it ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ziddina

    Aw, thanks, Mr. Flipper!

    Uhm, about my first post...?? Welll, The Berean did say, "Feel Free"!!

    Ah ahm SO FREE!! Zid

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