Help on becoming a Jehovahs Witness

by tpadgett 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    SBF said: The people doubting this poster is genuine were probably Linda's (fullofdoubtnow) best friends

    Oh please....give your head a shake. This troll went over to JWS and tried pulling the same crap. She said:

    haha lol all i have to say is F*** you and what you stand for. For all you haters. I came onto this site to gain positive help, not negative. I could care less to all those people who are against the "cult" or whatever the hell you think. But seriously get a life. All you guys have to talk about is how negative it is. Its your opinion and your choice to not be a Jehovah's witness, so if people want to convert, or are then let them. you dont gotta try and preassure and scare people away from it because than your just being hypocrites when you say that jehovahs witnesses shouldnt go door to door.

    First of all, why would a 17 year old non-Dub be so vigorously defending a religion that she's never belonged to? She talks exactly like a Witness, complaining how "negative" we all are. Why would she go on an ex-Witness site to get "positive help"? Why wouldn't she just go on the WTS's official website? The bulls-eye though is when she says "...a Jehovah's witness". 99% of people who are not Witnesses inevitably "...a Jehovah witness", without the "s". And lastly, the tone of the post is typical of a trolling active Witness. The language, the bizarre questions......her reaction.......this is a no-brainer.

    Anyone believes this isn't a troll, well, I've got two twin towers in New York City to sell you.

    BTS said: Sounds legit to me:

    For god's sake, look at the date this person posted her 'looking for a job'. Kinda convenient that she did it the day before she posted on here eh? A very common trick that trolls like to do in order to try and give their stupid posts some credibility.

  • asilentone

    Mary, very good find! She probably goes to the Kingdom Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Perhaps for field service and weekly meeting during the week. Good catch!

  • asilentone

    I agree with you, Mary about the "stupid" posts. That person is probably mental.

  • isaacaustin

    Nice catch Mary. Someone just learning about the Witnesses will not be concerned if the book puts a positive or negative spin on this God-forsaken cult. They have not been indoctrinated and would not have the fear of apostasy yet.

  • Mary

    Another thing I just thought of what when the twit said:

    just being hypocrites when you say that jehovahs witnesses shouldnt go door to door.

    Show me one single person who's not an active Witness who would give a rats ass about Witnesses going "door to door" and calling us "hypocrites" for stating the obvious......

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    Just thought I would chime in here. I was in the same exact situation as you are, expect I was a bit younger when I came in contact with the JWs. I was interested in a JW girl at the age of 15 and she invited me to come to the Kingdom Hall. When I began to listen to their arguments and beliefs it all "made sense" to me. Eventually somebody "studied" with me and I joined the religion at age 17. Needless to say my enthuasim didn't last and I left at the age of 25 for many reasons.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to "sell" you their religion. Every week they have a meeting they go to where they review arguments and techniques that should be used to convince people such as your self that they are "the true religion". They will be able to talk around you in circles, and make it appear that they are "experts" that have all the answers. You will be impressed with the confidence they show as well as the warm welcome they may give you.

    Not to put you down but your youth is against you on this one. The religion is deeply flawed but without much experience and knowledge it may be hard for you to perceive exactly what those flaws are. A few things you may be able to grasp. Disfellowshipping (shunning) is by far the greatest problem found within the faith. Many families have been ripped apart because of this practice. There are no checks and balances on this practice and abuses are very common. Additinally, when such a harsh punishment is part of a system such as this there simply is no way of knowing if people are actually doing things because they want to or if they are simply doing things because they are affraid of being punished. It's a little more complex than that but just realize there are some heavy issues going on.

    Listening to their "logical" arguments on Bible texts is only a small part of the religion. There are many layers to this organization/religion and don't expect the members to fill you in on it. Also, to be fair most JWs are very sincere in what they believe and don't typically understand the problems their religion has. They truely believe they are helping a person when they try to convert them.


    Your BS detector is finely tuned sister Mary - if only they honestly evaluated the arguments instead of choosing to be ignorant...

  • WTWizard

    Here is a summary of what happens. At first, it isn't too bad. One hour a week, the material makes sense, and it bashes the religions that you found fault with already. So you go on, and find that you have to disconnect from church--no problem, because the church is not for you. You will have to give up holidays and birthdays, as well--also, if you smoke, you will have to quit (that one is a good idea, but for health reasons and not religious).

    Soon in, you will be asked to go to their meetings. There are two of them every week, and one of them is in the evening (which could interfere with working on Thursday evenings). You will be asked to comment, usually in the words of the paragraph but they are much less tolerant of intelligent off-the-paragraph comments than they were 15 or 20 years ago. At this point, if you give a "bad" comment (that is, one that is too far off), they will mention it during the next study session.

    Soon, you will be giving talks. These are usually Bible readings at first, though they might use their other material at times. Women will be paired with another partner, and discuss a topic through assigned reading material. These talks last five minutes, and there usually is a lot of stress for a lousy 5 minute talk (unless you are smart enough to find the common denominators--if you are, then it's only a matter of time before you turn apostate anyways). At that point, you will be required to live a "clean" life--meaning you are not committing the basics (fornication, etc.).

    About 6 months in (this will vary), you will be expected to go from door to door. That is when the real waste of your life begins. Now, they will take all the good blocks of your time for that, leaving you with the crumbs. They will try to coerce you into putting in more time than is good for you--not so much at first, but once you get baptized, it will get to that point.

    Once you are baptized, you will find that everything you do is being watched. You will have to believe everything that the material, whether from the platform or written, tells you even if you can PROVE it wrong from their own Bible. If you don't go to meetings or from door to door, or you don't do enough, they will start hounding you. Break one of their rules, and you get looked down on or even disfellowshipped (and disfellowshipping doesn't mean just losing your membership. You are cut off, as if you were dead, and it even affects family life.)

    I recommend looking through this forum and before joining. You will see for yourself what really goes on--you are not going to find much about their policies from their official site. You might also want a trip to just to give you a better idea of how they tamper with the Bible and a better rounded view of their stupid rules. Finally, I recommend to give you final reason to make a decision as to whether or not you want to join the religion.

    And read Crisis of Conscience to see for yourself what life really is like at the top.

  • cawshun

    I'm not buying into this post, sounds phony

  • purplesofa

    Seems to me womens intuition was very strong in figuring this person out.

    Intuition is unexplainable but usually always right.

    I think this person has posted here before under different names with pretty much the same scenario.

    The typing is even the same, sorry I can't find any threads, I just remember it that way.

    Burns, you are just that Southern, I saw what you edited.

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