Do you want your publisher cards? Do you need a congregation "secretary" to request them? I can do it

by BonaFide 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    BonaFide, I'm confused. What happened to your almost judicial committee meeting? Did it ever get off the ground? Were you cleared? Did the elders get more witnesses to your alleged sexual hanky panky? Were you "removed for revealing confidential talk" or did you move from the congregation after talking to the DO and taking his advice to go to a different congregation and simply not get reappointed? There is a difference between a "removal" and not being reappointed.

    You've said that you have ADD. How did you handle this problem while concentrating on everything you were doing? It must've been difficult.

    Bonafide, I hope you are truly bonafide. A lot of people are very trusting souls on this board.


    Posting to read the next Page..........................OUTLAW


    Bonafide..I have to agree with AllTimeJeff..Going through your posts,really does raise alot of Red Flags..Those red flags have been noticed by more than a few people and pointed out,as I read through your Threads..Early on Farkel,Purps and others noticed and commented..Myself included...........I find it interesting your JW family wanted you to see a psychiatrist because you where so negative about the WBT$..Thats not who JW`s go to for help,when someone has a problem with the WBT$........There are a lot of inconsistancies......Enough red flags for more than a few 18 hole golf courses..LOL!!.........................I would have to say your not entirely truthful with us....................................................OUTLAW

  • cameo-d

    Silent one: "Minimus, do you think Bonafide is a Bethelite spy? "

    I think YOU are the spy, silenttone!

    BY the way, Bonafide....I think you could be charged with fraduently "stealing/obtaining" WT documents.

    Fact is, people should be able to get their own info. No one has the right to keep records on you like that.

    You don't know what is written and whether it is true or heresay or someone's opinion.

    There should be some legal recourse to obtaining documents the WT has on you.

  • BonaFide

    Minimus and others who doubt me:

    Yes, I was deleted as an elder, eventually. They deleted me after I changed congregations and before they sent my card over. Yes, my family told me to see a Psychiatrist. Maybe you can ask them why someday. I guess your families act consistently, mine doesn't. Yes, I have ADD. Makes life tough sometimes trying to focus.

    I could send you a scan of my passport with the stamps on it showing I was in South America for years, plus my assignment letter from the Society, my Tax I.D. card from the country in which I served. And I have several pioneer school photos where I was the instructor. You can compare those photos with my photo from the Yearbook. Is it that big of a deal to you guys?

    But why should I prove myself to you? Who are you? Are you the JWN police? The ELDER BODY of JWN? Why don't you say something to those who crush the new ones on here with unkind comments? Or the ones who use profanity?

    You guys can't believe what I wrote because you never lived it. Be honest: Have you ever actually met someone with my circumstances, a single JW brother raised in the truth, who went to serve as a missionary from MTS? Yes or no? AND who went to a developing, dangerous, dirty, country? You guys have no idea what it is like to spend your youth thousands of miles away for 10 years away from family and friends. The reason I am this way is because I WAS RAISED A WITNESS AND I STUCK TO IT AND BECAME A MISSIONARY. I experienced things that gave me some PTSD symptoms that I still deal with to this day. I am trying to come to terms with all of this, and become an actual human being. I care about people on here, and I received a lot of help in the past year from many of you. So I relate about my assignment, and my memory is good, I remember a lot of details. Maybe some of it will help someone, that is my hope. Plus it helps me, it's cathartic.

    But I don't need to prove myself anymore. I already spent my youth trying to do that.

    If you don't like it, go jump in a lake.

    In fact, go screw yourself.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    BF, I'll admit I haven't paid you one whit of attention. Here's my question, why so defensive? Seems legitimate questions are being raised. Furthermore, do you really think a "go screw yourself" is a tone an honest poster needs to take with people who have honest questions?

  • BonaFide

    John Doe, just because I tell someone to go screw himself doesn't make me dishonest.

    If you read the beginning of my post, I answered each one of their questions. And I PM'd them to see if they wanted documentation or photos or whatever. I just get tired of it.


  • BonaFide

    Actually, there is a poster on this forum that I met while I was a missionary. I was reading old posts when I came across it. He or she said something about meeting a single missionary C.O. who served the sign language congregations there. He said the single girls were probably after me, something like that. I will look for the post. I wonder if he or she is still active on here. That would be cool.


  • asilentone

    cameo, me a spy?

  • shopaholic

    They don't have copies of publisher cards, outside of the local KH, you do not exist.

    OTWO, I only found this out a few years ago. I don't think most witnesses know this, they believe that the FDS knows all of their activities and are keeping watch. If they only knew it was just their local elders....I think some would get up and walk away.

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