What Did You Do With All Your Watchtower Publications?

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • mraimondi

    had a huge bonfire of the real superfluous stuff - for a while kept a decent amount of things but trashed it.

    I still have some things, to remind myself of the situation i left behind.

  • truthseeker

    I threw out most except the ones I might need to refer to should an occasion arise.

  • villabolo

    Just when I knew I was about to be df'd I sold almost all of them to a brother for $5. He kept insisting on paying me more. I also tossed a collection of sixtysome "Truth" books each one of them in a separate language. It took me a while to sense the irony of the Russian "Truth" book which on its spine had one single word, Pravda.

    Now I regret not having kept them and collecting more.

  • Mattieu

    I still have my collection of the past 40 years and have inherited from the oldies who passed away over the years a very extensive collection that I am sure the society would like to disown now. They are all packed away in storage. Its funny, in my lurking days (about 18 months ago) I printed off a pdf from this board and showed it to my wife, the article was about the end of the preaching work being finished by the end of the 20th century.

    She said it could have been doctored, so now whenever I present and article from time to time (very subtle) I like to go into our garage and dig up the actual publication. It's a good thing wifey did not believe in getting the bound volumes ( I did) she preferred to keep the originals and bind them herself to save the society moolah.


  • Quandry

    We bought a paper shredder. Took the bound volume covers off, sat on a chair in the kitchen, ripped the pages out, and fed them to the shredder. The first shredder burned out, then we bought another one.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    My mother died 11 months ago. Her attic was chock full of Watchtower Publications. Every publication ever published from 1953- 1978 and many more from previous years. They were all carted to the street and hauled off by City Sanitation to the dump. It was a great, great feeling to get that stuff out of my mother's house. I have no desire to keep any of it for any reason. The last thing I want to do is read and resarch any of their old writings.

    The ironic thing is that the day my husband and I were carting all this stuff to the street, JWs were in my mother's neighborhood knocking on doors. I didn't mention to them that all those boxes we were carrying out were old JW books and magazines! I didn't want to start any conversations with them!

  • villabolo

    Well, if any one doesn't want their old literature I'll be glad to take them off your hands. I'm willing to pay postage if you're willing to pack 'em up.

  • Snoozy

    I got rid of most of Hubby's also. I just moved and in unpacking I found one of the books where they talk about their beginning, I also found several showboxes full of cassete tapes that hubby's JW mom and sister gave him when he was ill. They gave him a player and tapes with songs and talks on them to listen to in bed. He listened to the songs for a day or two and then he just didn't have the strength anymore to care.

    The only book I have is the big green "Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" and his bible.


  • Alco Cop
    Alco Cop

    I gave them all (bound volumes, song books, study books, etc) to my X-wife who was very appreciative. If Corporate tells her to drink the kool-aid, She will drink the kool-aid.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    WuzLovesDubs said, "Eventually he himself threw away all his hard bound volumes because his JW elder step father had done so saying he only needed the CD now and it was dangerous to leave Jehovahs books laying around where they could get into apostate hands."

    Do they realize what they are saying? They convict themselves with their own words.

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