Why Do So Many DF'd End In Some Sort Of Trouble?

by african GB Member 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    thank you for clairfying and qualifying what you meant. Like you said in your post ...the org leaves its members very unprepared to face the world apart from them.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I was born in and promptly left at age 18, I've been married for 26 years, have 3 kids (all grown/no trouble), I have a Masters in Nursing Degree and have a very successful career. I've never been arrested, involved in gangs, never been a whore, no STD's.

    However I do know several including my 2 elder brothers that have been df'd frequently and it seems to me that the ones who get df'd and come back and get df'd.....add nausea are the ones that go off the deep end. In my experience the ones that keep trying to play the double life are the ones that can't handle real life. JMO of course



    Your Title should read.."Why do a few Df`d End up in some sort of trouble?"...............................OUTLAW

  • maryacclaim

    I think the words of "Ninja" describe this post best....


    Double Psh psh...

    This post is really dumb.

    When children start to make mistakes, the world even sees that it is a good idea to spend more quality time with them and get them involved in the community so the feel they belong to something.

    When the WT sees that the kid is making mistakes, SHUNNED.

    Probably, not the best idea when they just need our love.

    But wait, if we go by the WT it is us showing love by SHUNNING them and to that...


    Pshhh Pshhh.....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Every case is different. In my experience, it has been the faders that have often gone on to bigger and better things. MANY of the DFd or DAd that I've known have already set themselves in "wild spring on the loose" mode and get into more serious trouble. Or at least what JWs would consider "serious trouble", at that.

    I'll say it again that every case is different. But from Watchtower Corporation propaganda, it's to their advantage that everyone that leaves the bOrg self-destructs. They have completely stacked the deck for that to happen. With the DF procedure, two things often follow: "I have no friends now, so I'll head for the trashiest bar to find the sleaziest people that want to be my new, instant, accepting family." "Well, since I was DFd for doing it once, I may as well go ahead and do it several times a day with anybody and everybody." And especially if they are still believers on the inside, they feel like they're hopelessly rejected and may as well try to have some fun until the Big A comes and destroys them. Actually, I do know some who were DFd, but went on to live decent lives, raise families, and were "good examples"... but of course, these are the ones that are completely ignored until somedubby hears that they've gotten cancer and the dubs crow that the DFd "have no hope for the future".

    B the X

  • sir82

    Why do so many otherwise perceptive posters end up taking topics from this poster seriously?

  • Finally-Free
    Why do so many otherwise perceptive posters end up taking topics from this poster seriously?

    Because they can discuss a topic on its own merit rather than dismiss it solely on the basis of who brought it up.


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I can see a line of reasoning to your theory, but I can't buy it unless you have some facts to back it up. Many a theory based on a small set of anecdotal evidence withers with the introduction of actual documentation. Furthermore, that has not been my experience or what I have observed in others.

    I think you may have gotten a bit of a bad reaction to your theory by some posters because the WT uses this idea as propaganda on its followers to try to keep them in. That, too, doesn't mean it isn't true. But without any documentation it remains an open question.

    I am reminded also, that the WT claims that most "worldly" people live debached and morally degrading lifestyles. Now that I am no longer a JW and actually know some of those people, I see how completely untrue and self-serving that assertion is. The WT has a history of making outrageous claims that promote their agenda.

    For the above reasons, I am very skeptical of the idea that leaving the WT has a causal relationship to people getting into some kind of trouble.

  • Free

    If anything it makes them a stronger person, One who thinks for themselves and does not have the stress of measuring up to all the goof balls running around with Bibles and service reports in their hands waiting for someone to notice.

    When someone leaves the Cult nobody is alloud to talk to them, So they are just assuming that people are having a hard time.

    Guess what ? Life is hard period. Guess what also? Life is much easier without the Cult on your shoulders.

    The kids who leave want to play catchup and sometimes try to hard and fall, When the normal kids have experianced most of the hurdles and pleasures of being a teenager and are in more of a slower transition to adult life which in turn helps them along.

    Witness kids have nobody to help them and most can't relate to kids their own age out in the normal world so they find the leftovers that are idiots and they become their teachers. You may go crazy for boobs too if you have never see them before, same goes for booze,and drugs.

  • flipper

    AFRICAN GB MEMBER- Just the title of your thread insinuates that MOST DFed people end up in some sort of trouble . That is certainly not true. Absolute hogwash. If you read some of Steve Hassan's books ( Combatting Cult Mind Control & Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to think for Themselves ) he mentions in these books that all mind control cults ( including Jehovah's Witnesses ) tell their members that if they leave the cult, or get disfellowshipped they will turn into evil humans , having orgies all the time, becoming drunkards, drug addicts, or axe murderers . Most all the time - none of this occurs. The place you find the axe murderers and child molesters is in the Jehovah's Witness cult and other religions - not outside for the most part.

    African- Try to understand this. The WT society tells Jehovah's Witnesses they will all become evil to KEEP THEM CONTROLLED and in FEAR OF LEAVING because of false expectations which usually never happen. It is a tactic many mind control cults use to keep their members in fear so they will remain members and stay under the WT societies control ! If you get a chance I highly recommend you read these books by Steve Hassan. It will assist you to understand that it is a false story that many DFed people end up in trouble. That's what the witnesses WANT YOU TO THINK so you and others won't leave. Total control

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