Why Do So Many DF'd End In Some Sort Of Trouble?

by african GB Member 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    its like a city dog thrown into the country.....after so many years of restriction that dog will run forever...

    born-ins are like a spring compressed...in some cases the removal of the WT prison bonds will cause the spring to bounce high and uncontrollably.

    This is not 'because they left the org"- this is a reult of the org smothering the person

    The org relishes in this happening

  • isaacaustin

    its like a city dog thrown into the country.....after so many years of restriction that dog will run forever...

    born-ins are like a spring compressed...in some cases the removal of the WT prison bonds will cause the spring to bounce high and uncontrollably.

    This is not 'because they left the org"- this is a reult of the org smothering the person

    The org relishes in this happening

  • Amha·’aret

    Hang on, I think he's got a bit of a point to this.

    Firstly, there are some xjws who end up in a bad situation, usually born-ins. I think this is because they are ill-prepared to live in the real world. It can take them a while to figure out what actually is right and wrong because of the jw upbringing having clouded things up to that point.

    Secondly, as a jw it may seem that most xjws end up in dire straights because that is what they are told to believe and so find anicdotes to support that. What jw talks about his xjw friend who is now happily married, with some really wonderful kids etc? Or don't they much prefer to remember the xjw who got in to drugs, had an affair or otherwise commited some "immoral" act? Those are the stories that get passed around the cong, not the ones where the xjw is far happier with all the dub-related pressures lifted off their shoulders.


  • Colton

    My life has been 110% better out of the organization. No trouble here.

  • diffedexjw

    My name is diffedexjw, My life is so much better since i got diffed. SO african troll member STFU

  • Finally-Free
    Those are the stories that get passed around the cong, not the ones where the xjw is far happier with all the dub-related pressures lifted off their shoulders.

    Yeah, they only spread the stories that suit their purpose.

    Maybe the bethel spies that come on this board will see AGBM's username and spread a rumour that "apostates" have set up a competing cult and our governing body is based in Africa.


  • NewYork44M

    There is a saying that goes something like this: "people spend their adult life making up for the things they were deprived as a child."

    Growning up a jw means that you were kept away from many things. Sometimes when you are held down too long you react in the oposite direction. It is difficult to get the balance. Hopefully, after a while the person finds that balance.

  • MelbaToast

    I can say in my experience as a born-in, yes I went a little off the chain when I first was df'd. For some of the time it was still teenage rebellion at its worst-I did everything that I was told not to just because I could.

    Then the realization hit about after 6 months- I am doing myself more damage than good. However, I am a little more stubborn than some, so it takes a while to set in and discover what I never knew about myself before: that I had choices. Some good, some bad, but we pay for them all.

    I think that after living so long of not having choices and trying to please everyone else, I was both selfish and self destructive at the same time after my exit. I believe born-ins have the select distinction of also having their whole social system taken away from them when they are df'd, which leads to desperate and despondant measures. Compounded with the predisposition to mental illness that JW's already have, with the sadness and self doubt that losing all your friends and family has at such a pivotal point (read: 18-21 yrs old) in many peoples lives and there is a recipe for disaster. I was lucky that I made an outcry because I was sucidial and told my parents I was. Therefore I got help outside (a psychologist) that helped me put things in perspective before I went too deep. Unfortunately, not everyone has the facilities or even the ability to tell their family how much they are hurting inside. I went from private reproof to public reproof to df'd in less than 6 months, and it was the worst time in my life, and it was all for NOTHING. As innocent as having a boy ( my best friend) in my hotel room to watch tv, with my parents room right next door, and things just went from there. So judge not, lest you be judged. :P

  • iceguy

    Its obvious that AGBM is a Brainwashed JW.

    AGBM you say this is a fact based on df'd and da'd that YOU know! Just how many do you know and how is that a sample large enough to say the JW's are right about JW's that leave the WTS? Now be a good little JW and do some research and see if you can get some facts! Opps you can't do that because the WTS won't let you research anything outside of their literature.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    I do not have the statistics of exactly how many DF'd end in trouble, I am saying this based on a couple of DF'd/DA'd that I know. I am not saying this is a trend with of them. Maybe I should have used 'some' instead of most.

    I am a born-in, I was DF'd in 2003, got reinstated last year for family. I also went wild afterbeing DF'd, luckyly I did'nt end up a ganster or catch a Sexually Transmitted Infection.

    There are some who leave the Org to end up dead or in misery for sure. I am not saying people should'nt leave the Org, but surely Jw's have a point on this one. Remember that most JW's don't have higher education, which makes it difficult to really succeed outside the Org. Being in the Org saves them from embarassment as they can always fall back on the fact that this system of things is passing on.

    I am not in anyway endorsing the Org, I am just bringing what I think is an important point up.


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