"Genesis" spankings

by donny 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I would agree, except I can't imagine parents getting anything sexual out of their kids. Seems to me it's more of a humiliation factor.

  • snowbird

    I would think it's an s/m sort of thing.

    But, what do I know?

    The human psyche is such a complicated thing.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What's s/m?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Never mind--I found it. Short for sadomasochistic activities.

  • Warlock

    Is her name "Carrie"?


  • rebel8

    Never heard of the term "genesis spankings", but I had that exact same experience many times until the day of my high school graduation, when I physically restrained my jw Mommie Dearest and said, "NEVER AGAIN".

    I believe the wt publications and/or talks said that punishment should be age-appropriate and spanking is probably not appropriate for teens. So when I was a teen I got age-appropriate punishments PLUS spanking.

    Look, not to be crude or anything, but if you want to know (If menstruation stuff grosses you out, skip on by. If not, you can read the following in white-colored font by highlighting the next between the dots with your mouse.)


    During ~ the 8 final years of my "spankings", I had my period about 75% of the time & it was out of control (see my old posts re untreated Hemophilia). So because we were in the jw fundie capital of the universe, every belief was to the N th degree......tampons were not allowed, because they would make you lose your virginity. (eye roll) So imagine a young teen, being spanked for no goddamn reason, her pants down, bleeding everywhere. I was also "spanked" on my back with a wooden spoon, with aim being taken at the spot on my back where my bone deformity is. THIS IS HOW F---ED UP JWS ARE. SICK, TWISTED, ABUSIVE CULT. I am not sharing this for shock value, just documenting how bad this cult is, for posterity....may all the girls who come after me find the resources to put an end to the abuse at the instant it begins.


  • Warlock

    Seriously, this is one of the cruelest things I have ever read.


  • dinah

    That's terrible Rebel.

  • snowbird

    Rebel, this is horrible.

    LORD GOD, please have mercy on us!


  • rebel8

    There are much more horrific stories of abuse in this cult than mine. It is too bad most people think it's a harmless bunch of weird dorks. Far from it.

    -- for kids still trapped

    PS--One of the most memorable instances was me getting "spanked" for physically defending myself against the physical abuse of my jw cousins. I refused to repent for not "turning the other cheek". Hallmarks of a high control, misogynistic cult.

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