"Genesis" spankings

by donny 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • donny

    She did tell me that humiliation and power was probably the main factor for the disrobing as she does not recall any sexual overtones to the event. She felt it was to show they had control over her life and her sisters. She said it happened about every 2 to 3 weeks on average.

  • Robert7

    Holy crap! As much as I wanted to spank my kids when they were bad during the meetings I felt 1) They weren't bad considering being locked down in a chair for 2 hours, and 2) I didn't want them to associate spanking misery with meetings. So I usually just let them play in the back room.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Rebel, I don't think blaming the jw's for that is legitimate. After all, a lot of us grew up with none of those experiences.

  • Robert7

    Wait, she got these spankings up until 16?!?!? That's messed up!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    That is really sick Rebel8. I'm sorry you had to go through that as a child. Your mother should should have been reported to the police. I'm wondering if we shouldn't have a handout to give to JW kids when they come to our doors that explains what child abuse is and how to report it.

  • dinah

    It's true the Witnesses don't have a monopoly on this kind of craziness, BUT it is condoned. Some opinions that were heard from the podium could make an abusive parent feel justified in beating their children. I can remember speakers joking about "little johnny" being spanked for things like going to the bathroom too often during assemblies or meetings. Most of the adults laughed.

    I can remember being at an assembly in Montgomery, Alabama, when I was about 12. There was a couple with 3 very young children, probably all below age five. Everytime one of those kids would fidget or make any noise, this bitch would whack the kid with a wooden spoon. Then the kid would cry (imagine that?) so she would whack them again and tell them to shut up and pay attention. My mother was getting soooooo pissed! I saw things like that ALOT at assemblies. For some reason that woman just stuck in my memory.

    Spare the spoon and spoil the child, I suppose.

  • cameo-d

    There are millions of children who are abused by their parents. Some are even killed purposely or accidentially on purpose by parents. Some children are sold into slavery and prostitution by their own parents.

    We seem to think that a mother is "supposed" to love her children, that it is a natural law of nature. But it is not. Some species eat their children. In early times, parents killed their children as offerings to god. (And not just "other gods"....don't forget Issac!...that was for jehovah)

    If our own parents don't love us, then why should we expect that our own creator should love us? Could it just be that we are amusements or an experiment? What are we that we should be "harvested" like plants?

    If parents, who bring you into this world and know you better than anyone, cannot unconditionally love you....then why do we expect some far removed entity to have deeper feelings for us than our own parents?

    It's not just JWs. Terrible abuse occurs in all cultures, all religions.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    It is good that she is at least talking about what happened to her Donny. You said she mentioned that her problem wasn't with their doctrines. I'm assuming she does know that their doctrines are false. If she doesn't find out just how wrong they are she might go through life feeling guilty for leaving the WT even though she was abused by her parents.

  • snowbird

    Dinah, you just jogged my memory.

    I may have told this on here before, but a visiting Bethel speaker was relating the tale of a first grader who had been instructed not to say the pledge, salute the flag, or take part in any celebrations at school.

    The speaker said one day the fire drill bell rang and all the little ones rose to go the nearest exit as they'd been instructed.

    He stated - with pride - that the little first grader stayed in his seat. When the teacher questioned him as to why, he replied, "I'm not sure if we celebrate fire drills!"

    Just about everyone in the audience laughed and applauded, but I was stunned. What if it had been a fire?



  • dinah

    Oh, little Johnny was so afraid to displease Jehobo that he burned to a crisp. Shouldn't we all try to be more like little Johnny? *thundering applause*

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