Straight intellectualizing cannot lead to belief or faith in God !

by caliber 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    The anti-intellectualist preacher kindly asks you to drop your mental armour and weapons while he keeps every one of his. He is not willing to give up his preconceptions which are the result of much intellectualising -- and that includes the very idea of "God" -- and to sit with you in wordless awe and wonder at the utterly unknown. A naïve kind of arrogance which is best displayed by those who have consistently avoided the difficult task of thinking their own "faith" for themselves and have simply surrendered to the intellectualisation of others, over generations, capitalised in religious tradition...

    P.s. Rodin is the sculptor of the "Thinker" statue which is pictured over the article, not the author

  • rebel8
    Say there is a person you would like to date. You can analyze that person all you want, for as long as you want, but until you proceed to meet this person, that person will always be a stranger and there will never be a relationship. Your analyzing will probably prevent you from simply falling in love.

    Say there is a person I've heard about but no one has ever seen him and no one knows how to get in touch with him. There are rumors you can communicate telepathically to you, but he usually doesn't talk back. I try and try for decades, sending him telepathic messages several times a day while molding my entire life around what he reportedly finds pleasing. He never comes around, responds, or even lets me know he really exists or is the least bit interested in me.

    Yet I decide I want to date him. I can analyze that person all I want, for as long as I want, but until I proceed to meet this person, that person will always be unknown and there will never be a relationship. His absence, which prevents me from meeting him, will probably prevent us from simply falling in love.

    I love illustrations.

  • leavingwt
    P.s. Rodin is the sculptor of the "Thinker" statue which is pictured over the article, not the author



  • jaguarbass

    It's an interesting profound article.

    I suspect the author flavors his God Chiristian, with a side kick multiple personality named

    Jesus and a tag team partner called Diablo.

    Having said that, I think something,somebody, someone, conciousness is out there.

    The bible says we all have the amount of faith that God gives us. Some he gives

    a lot of faith and some he gives little faith.

    I hope his angry frustrated scitzoid side doesnt kick in when he views

    how much/ little, faith he has blessed me with.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The Gods have always been a formulating tradition of ignorance of the world we live in,

    thankfully impart to the increase of knowledge of are world, the Gods are slowly fading away, coincidence perhaps

    Personally I think mankind can do a lot better without them.

    Has anyone not noticed that there hasn't been any new Gods appear for a couple thousand years or more ........ummmm ?

  • IP_SEC
    There is something called personal gnosis, a deep intuitive experience that leaves you in awe of the Divine.

    Ahhh yessss grasshoppah. Personal=self. To know self(darkenlightenallshadesofgrey) is to know "god".

    left you with a measure of faith that cannot be taken from you.

    Ahh rats Journeyon, try again. Faith that cannot be taken from you lacks the balance factor of intellectualism.

  • IP_SEC
    Personally I think mankind can do a lot better without them.

    Interesting how it mixed up our languages when we tried. A psychopath would do that you know.

    Most gods I've ever read about are psychopathic in nature.

  • journey-on

    Faith is not the balancing factor of intellectualism. Personal experiences are what balances thought and feeling. Think about it.

  • IP_SEC

    Personal "experience" is so flawed. Everything we "experience" is totally in the head. I can be on LSD and "experience" some wild shyte. That doesnt make for something to base a life around.

    True your "experience" is your "reality". Far be it from me to deny you your "reality"

  • outofthebox

    We don't have enough information just yet.

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