Any Starbucks fans?

by cameo-d 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    starbucks coffee sucks.....

    buy: Melitta, Yuban, Gevaglia, or Folgers

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I also like Starbuck's Breakfast Blend whole beans. It's great first thing in the morning.

    At their stores I like a Venti Latte with non-fat milk. I don't get into the sweet drinks.

  • oompa

    try Sumatra french roast from Costco...just about unbeatable....and do your own at home...soooo much better....i am a barista by hobby, and my chai tea kicks Starbucks sugary syrup ass in that your machine on ebay and buy the higest pressure bars you can get.......oompa

    my wifes car group still stop by for my

  • Kudra

    Jesus Christ- The "any starbucks fans?" get way more hits than my "Any James Lee Burke fans?"... which was zee-ro.

    BTW I hate f-ing Starbucks.

    Sour grapes.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I go to a Starbucks almost every day. Sometimes twice a day. There are about 10 in my area that I go to. I usually only get regular coffee, sometimes a cappuccino. There is also an independant shop I go to. Most of the other coffee places don't make it strong enough for me. At home I always buy Fair Trade Coffee. I buy a lot of Bishops Blend which is made for Episcopal Relief and Developement and supports there projects. I've been drinking a lot of their Kaldi's Roast lately. It has great nose (can you us that expression for coffee?) Now that I see this in writing I think I may have a drinking problem. Is there a support group for coffee drinkers?

  • oompa

    I'm tellin you guys...esp some coin...enjoy the grind and aroma....and live it!!! it yourself!....we only do beans at work fcs!....oompa

  • shamus100

    I enjoy americano's - interestingly, a slang term used in Europe because pussy-American's can't handle expresso. So they put water in expresso to make it more palatable for us weiner north-americans.

    They're perfect. I haven't had a traditional cup of coffee in a long time.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Starbucks is obviously not the best coffee house there is , they just happen to be the most well known because there are so many of them

    and the business itself is publicly traded. Personally I find most of their coffees over roasted and therefore too strong .

    My most liked drink there would probably be their Carmel frappochino .

  • free2think

    Over here the coffee isnt that good quality. I go to Costa coffee and Cafe Nero, their coffee is very good.

  • Finally-Free

    I won't drink coffee from Starbucks. Why pay them when I can easily duplicate the flavour by not cleaning my coffeemaker for 3 months?


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