Closet apostate on the writing committee?

by sir82 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    BonaFide had a thread where he wrote a letter and recommended doing an internet search for JWs and sent it to all his friends, so he said...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    Why would this person not simply state the web-address and leave it there? Why suggest using a search engine? Perhaps a closet apostate is at work. Very subtle. No one could suggest that he directed them to anything except the official site, yet any curious mind would very possibly veer from the official website.

    God I hope you are right. An undercover apostate on the writing department would be wonderful.

    I can see the line in a future issue:

    The documented evidence, both historical and biblical, for the year of Jerusalem's fall to the Babylonians can be independently verified. Check your local library references, or simply search the internet for 'Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.' to find this information.


  • OnTheWayOut

    You guys give the writers far too much credit. I think a writer goofed up and the lawyers only
    worry about legal stuff, so this slipped by.

    Now they cannot call attention to it. Watch for the CD-ROM to say she just went to their website.

  • yknot

    Actually I was thinking the same thing sir82........

  • betterdaze

    It would be sweet irony if the WT Corporation has website blocking software installed on the Scribbling Department's computers...

    So when they search, no ex-JW sites come up, and they have no idea what the damning results are out in Reality World.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Yet again I will refer back to this thread:

    1. Bethel in NY suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
    2. Major Organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, PO to be done away with, thats all I know for now.
  • sir82
    You guys give the writers far too much credit. I think a writer goofed up and the lawyers only
    worry about legal stuff, so this slipped by.

    I dunno. As noted above, how easy it would have been to say "She looked at our website www.etc." instead of "She typed Jehovah's Witnesses into a search engine." That sentence adds nothing to the experience - what difference does it make how she got to the website?

    And after nearly monthly reminders about how "dangerous" the internet is, they're going to accidentally let slip the single most dangerous thing a JW could possibly do (if he is to remain a JW) on the internet?

    I can't prove it, but it seems very plausible that someone attempted a low-risk subversive message, and hoped it would get past whoever does peer review on the articles. If it would have been caught, the writer could have easily just deleted or modified that sentence, with just a shrug of the shoulders. It's a case of "plausible deniability" - "Oh, yeah, I never thought of the danger of rank & file JWs doing that - OK, let me change that."

  • truthsetsonefree

    I think the comments about them trying to be hip and the one that dubs will see this as a great provision are probably right. But it can backfire as curiousity may get the better of them.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Sir82, you make a good point but I think that you're giving those writers FAR too much credit. I'm inclinded to go with the "trying to be hip" comments. I guess time will tell, right?

    Of course, if there is someone attempting to put a subversive message, you've likely outed them!

    I do sense that the WTS is on the verge of transforming. Not sure which direction it will go in but I would not be surprised if something big doesn't happen in the next 5-10 years. There are been so many changes in just the last 5 years the religion is already starting to look different. Should be interesting to watch.

  • still_in74

    i remember reading that. It seemed a bit "awkward" to say the least to read that in a WT. Not exactly typical WT protocol.

    I like AK-Jeffs idea, but use it in a talk! Find a way to quote the article and apply it to finding the truth on the internet. After, the WT just told us that the internet can be a tool for God to lead lost sheep to the truth! The truth is on the internet!

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