Global Warming Scam

by read good books 105 Replies latest social current

  • exjdub
    You know what they say about assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming. Ming is not here to defend himself, so you are the only ass now.

    exjdub (watching JD dig the hole deeper with every post now that he got caught BS'ing)

  • Tuesday

    I guess chalk this up to evidence of a changing climate and global warming...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Serious question--does anyone on here care about discussing facts?

  • SixofNine

    Since you are actively avoiding "discussing facts", right here, in this discussion; you don't get to ask that question, John Doe.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I did just ask that question six.

  • besty
    Serious question--does anyone on here care about discussing facts?

    Lets start again John Doe - no ad hominems, no meaningless drivel posts, just facts.

    The facts are:

    31 of your 'posts' and 3 days ago you cut and pasted an article, the opening sentence of which was:

    In November 2008, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, and one of the four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that October 2008 was the “hottest on record

    After being asked to support that statement with a primary source link all you can offer is that you are merely offering a view, you don't care to support its truth or verify its claims.

    Those are the facts John Doe.

    Let the reader decide who is interested in facts and who is interested in propogating meaningless trash.

  • Caedes

    John Doe,

    Ah, the irony!

  • hamilcarr
    Serious question--does anyone on here care about discussing facts?

    Serious answer: I do. More serious answer: I did discuss them. Most serious answer: I'm sure I'm right. Period.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    After being asked to support that statement with a primary source link all you can offer is that you are merely offering a view, you don't care to support its truth or verify its claims.

    Better Besty, with one caveat. You say that is "all I can offer," when it is all I "did" offer--big difference. As I have made clear this is not my issue and I am not going to research the matter. Any articles I post may or may not be accurate, and I am not going to chase down every source before I post them. Surely this is self evident. Does that mean I can't chase down sources? Of course not. Does that mean that every source I post is accurate? Of course not. Does that mean that every source I post is inaccurate? Of course not.

    I take exception to the character assasinations directed at me, and admittedly, you did attempt an apology. I have been accused of bs'ing in this thread, and I openly challenge any who claim I have to post where I have stated any untruth or made any false claims. Go on--I dare ya's.

  • besty
    As I have made clear this is not my issue and I am not going to research the matter

    John Doe speaks on global climate change :-) I can see the appeal of ^c^v for someone with your limitations

    Nobody needs to accuse you of bullshit - how you are not embarrased is beyond me.

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