Global Warming Scam

by read good books 105 Replies latest social current

  • aniron

    Global warming that explains why we in UK are having the worst winter for 20 years.

    After having the coldest summer (2008) for 50 years.

  • besty

    aniron - you're getting confused between global climate change and local weather.

    The chaotic nature of weather means that no conclusion about climate can ever be drawn from a single data point, hot or cold. The temperature of one place at one time is just weather, and says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less again global climate change.

    Cherry-picking hot and cold years in a single location doesn't make sense - see previous graph of trended global average temperatures over time - did you miss it 1st time round?

  • besty

    John Doe, Moshe ???

    <drums fingers>

  • Gregor

    The chaotic nature of weather means that no conclusion about climate can ever be drawn from a single data point, hot or cold. The temperature of one place at one time is just weather, and says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less again global climate change.

    In other words, believing man is affecting the climate is based on faith, not works! Charts and graphs are notorious tools of fact manipulation. There are impressive statistics, complete with cool charts and graphs, that show the opposite of your selection.

  • hamilcarr

    There are impressive statistics, complete with cool charts and graphs, that show the opposite of your selection.

    I challenge you to come up with global cooling stats.

  • Gregor

    You check it out. you're the one who has embraced this BS fad, I don't recall taking you to raise. If you are sincere, read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton, lots of charts too!.

  • hamilcarr

    you're the one who has embraced this BS fad

    Based on facts, as always.

    Not on fictional works, like State of fear. Even if the Bible had charts and graphs, it remains fiction, not fact!

  • besty

    On this thread we have descended through the denier toolset from a weatherman's blog, to a New Zealand local affairs magazine website and now finally we plumb the depths with a work of fiction.

    Well done Gregor.

    Yet again I appeal for primary source basic research - peer reviewed and cited by other climate scientists.

    I have cited and linked proper sources - not media websites or trash blogs or fiction novels - I invite you to do the same if you can.

    Let the reader use discernment.

  • Gregor

    Any excuse to avoid a differing viewpoint, heh? Crichtons book developed a fictitous story within which he provided actual facts. He has spoken and written on the subject many times. As you know this info is simple to find. Google him (or don't). Since when did the tables get turned and the believers in GW or GCC now demand that their theory be DISPROVEN? It hasn't been proven yet folks! Just accepted on faith, convenient charts and graphs, Al Gore and Ted Danson.

  • ninja

    Let the reader use "discernment".

    hey besty....the large hadron collider is a lot of pish uses "diss" CERN ment.....he he

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