What are the greatest evidences that the deluge never happened?

by Newborn 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    There are quite a few sites that discuss this, such as http://home.entouch.net/dmd/hardgrounds.htm

    Off the top of my head, here are a few reasons:

    1. The Pyramid of Giza is about 4500 years old and line of Egyptian kings extends back more than 4000 years
    2. A wooden boat cannot be built as large as ark without leaking and breaking up
    3. the amount of water required is significantly more than possible to be held within clouds
    4. A mountain range in France is composed of Ash, this would have washed away in a global flood
    5. It is impossible to carry the water and food required to feed the animals on the ark for such a length of time, and what about all the dung?
    6. With the mixing of salt and fresh water, all salt water fish and all fresh water fish would have died
  • VM44

    Meteor Crater, Arizona, USA

    The Meteor Crater in the state of Arizona was the first crater to be identified as an impact crater. Between 20,000 to 50,000 years ago, a small asteroid about 80 feet in diameter impacted the Earth and formed the crater.

    The crater is the best preserved crater on Earth and measures 1.2 km in diameter. For many years, scientists had denied that there were any impact craters on Earth. The origin of this crater has been a source of controversy for many years. The discovery of fragments of the Canyon Diablo meteorite help prove that the feature was in fact an impact crater.

  • hamilcarr
    I thought you were the post-modern relativist?

    That's what you were thinking, yes.

  • quietlyleaving

    Imo flood stories do testify to something that did happen in the past and that did leave a significant impression. But I think we need to go much further back to the last glaciation of the ice age - 100,000 to 50,000 years ago.

  • IP_SEC
    But I think we need to go much further back to the last glaciation of the ice age - 100,000 to 50,000 years ago.

    I agree. There is much evidence for 'advanced' civilization over 10k years ago.

  • still_in74

    flood is such a joke.

    all that water in the sky? how did the sun get through? How did people even see the stars/moon/sun as signs for dates and years (as stated in creation account)?

    wheres the layer of sediment that circles the globe as evidence of a flood? Every event in history is recorded in the layers below us. What about the flood?

    How did a single tree survive? what about the Bristlecone Pine?

    A specimen of this species nicknamed "Methuselah" located in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest of the White Mountains near Bishop, California is 4,700 years old, as measured by annual ring count on a small core taken with an increment borer. Its exact location is kept secret, since an older specimen, nicknamed "Prometheus", was cut down in 1964. [ 2 ] It is the oldest known tree in North America, and the oldest known individual tree in the world, although a clonal individual, nicknamed "Old Tjikko", a Norway Spruce in Sweden. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

    Among the White Mountain specimens, the oldest trees are found on north-facing slopes, with an average of 2,000 years, as compared to the 1,000 year average on the southern slopes). [ 5 ] The climate and the durability of their wood can preserve them long after death, with dead trees as old as 7,000 years persisting next to live ones. [ 5 ]

    what did noah and his family and all the animals eat when they got off the Ark? Did Noah butcher any species? What did cows eat? Dead salt water fish?

    how about the fact that the "27 Kinds" (or whatever the number was) of animals that the org always refers to was from biologist quoted over 150 years ago. How about that even if there were only 27 "kinds" of animals there is absolutely no way we could have the diversity amongst the "kinds" that exist today. There is simply no evidence that the flood happened. None. Kinda like 607 BCE & 1914. (and 1919)

    Jeremy C posted this previously...........

    Fresh water fish would die in salty waters...

    Yes, and salt water species would have died with the massive desalinization of the oceans. So would have species of coral, sea urchants, and numerous ocean plant life - not to mention all of the ocean water life such as plankton and microbes which shrimp feed off of. Of course getting into long discussion about the scientific impossibility of a global deluge is beating a dead horse - somewhat like discussing the falsities of a flat earth. Those who still attempt to promote the scientific plausability of the global flood only make themselves look silly.

    Alan F - who used to post on this forum wrote what I believe is the most well-researched and comprehensive analysis on the global flood story. I believe it is about 120 pages that can be downloaded off of his blogspot page; that is if he still has it. He also wrote a very good analysis of the Watchtower's book: Life How Did It Get Here - By Evolution or Creation. (do a Google search for Alan Feurbacher - global flood). It makes for some very good reading.

  • quietlyleaving
    But I think we need to go much further back to the last glaciation of the ice age - 100,000 to 50,000 years ago.
    I agree. There is much evidence for 'advanced' civilization over 10k years ago.

    IP it's fascinating isn't it. According to what I'm reading human language started to evolve around 250,000 years ago while 40,000 years ago recognizable language (by today's standards) began to be used. (But of course there are other ways to communicate important stuff). I'm sure that raised sea levels through melting glaciers, that covered over lower lying land, that linked the continents, would have left a significant intellectual impression and maybe flood stories originated from there Although nearer to our own time flooding rivers could possibly result in similar stories.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Biological physics and common sense.

    and the fact that any calamitous event such as an earthquakes thunder and lightening, storms and the resulting floods etc.

    were at one time all considered acts of god out his displeasure or anger.

    A little acceptance of of human ignorance is important in the understanding of biblical stories.

  • Farkel

    :What are the greatest evidences that the deluge never happened?

    The best evidence against the flood never happening is that the Bible said it did.

    Unless of course you also want to believe in talking snakes, the sun standing still, chopped off ears getting stuck back on heads and magically working again, chariots of fire rising to heaven, talking donkeys, angel wrestling, angels fornicating with human women and producing great big bullies, graves opening up and ancient resurrected prophets then begin walking around wonderering WTF happened?, and a host of other rot.


  • VM44

    Weren't the flood legends inspired by some merchant or trader that rode out a local flood by putting his family and animals on a barge?

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