What are the greatest evidences that the deluge never happened?

by Newborn 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Read zechariah Sitchin, he will explain what happened.

  • Finally-Free

    You mean kangaroos and koala bears couldn't have swam to Australia? Maybe they were carried over by huge flocks of cockatoos.


  • jaguarbass

    You have to ask yourself what do you want to believe?

    Because there are written arguments citing evidences on both sides,

    If you want to be an observer that is an observation.

    If you want to know the truth.

    You have to decide what you want to believe, then you will have your evidence.

    Everybody has different realities and truths.

    The question is not tangible,

    It would be easier to anser is the sky blue.

    According to text more ancient than the bible, and which the bible borrowed from

    The flood was local around Babylon. It didnt cover the mountains. It was like a tsusami.

    That would be the Summerian text.

  • jaguarbass

    You have to ask yourself what do you want to believe?

    Because there are written arguments citing evidences on both sides,

    If you want to be an observer that is an observation.

    If you want to know the truth.

    You have to decide what you want to believe, then you will have your evidence.

    Everybody has different realities and truths.

    The question is not tangible,

    It would be easier to anser is the sky blue.

    According to text more ancient than the bible, and which the bible borrowed from

    The flood was local around Babylon. It didnt cover the mountains. It was like a tsusami.

    That would be the Summerian text.

  • Nosferatu

    How did Noah know that the water had covered the entire earth? Did God actually tell him it did?

    This comes from the time when people thought the world was flat. In other words, they didn't know other parts of the world existed. So, how would they know that other parts of the world were covered in water? I agree that there may have been a flood in Noah's immediate area, but not covering the entire earth.

    Also, did Noah travel to the north to get two Polar bears for the ark? Did he goto Australia to get two Koala bears and two Kangaroos to bring into the ark? What did everyone (including the animals) eat on the ark? Did he have a shovel to remove all the animal shit he was drowning in?

    There's just no way it could have happened.

  • IP_SEC

    jaguar, sorry but no

    Everybody has different realities and truths.

    E does =mc2

    Yes the sky is blue.

    Everyone has different perceptions that colour their idea of reality.

  • drwtsn32
    Everybody has different realities and truths.

    I think someone's been watching too much "What the bleep do we know"

  • hamilcarr

    Everybody has different realities and truths.

    Let's hope not.

  • BurnTheShips

    Let's hope not

    I thought you were the post-modern relativist?


  • IP_SEC

    if reality is only in your head... then 9 year old girls look scrumptious to me. Therefore they are.

    (not to be shocking, just to show the fallacy of the above thought)

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