What are the greatest evidences that the deluge never happened?

by Newborn 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    Thanks for your help.


  • IP_SEC

    The energy calculations obliderate all life on earth.

  • IP_SEC

    of course if god used his magic to bend the rules of physics... then it dont matter.

  • sir82

    How about the complete and utter lack of geological evidence that such an event in earth's recent history would have left behind?

    Of course, as Ip_Sec says, if God wanted to miracle-ize things so that no trace was left behind, then that doesn't count.

  • BurnTheShips

    I don't think there was a global deluge. I do think there was a huge regional deluge in that area that is the source of the Deluge account.


  • drwtsn32

    Evidence that something did NOT happen? You're thinking about it backwards; you should demand evidence that it DID happen.

    Logically there are lots of reasons it could not have happened:

    • The amount of water it would take to cover the highest mountain does not exist on the planet.
    • How would Noah gather a pair of all animals when there are so many isolated to various parts of the world?
    • etc

    The Noah story should be viewed as allegorical; nothing more.

  • IP_SEC
    How would Noah gather a pair of all animals when there are so many isolated to various parts of the world?

    wowoa quote worked for me this time.

    And get them back where they belonged for thousands of years before the flood.

  • hamilcarr

    Aborigines arrived in Australia more than 40,000 years ago.

  • Gladring

    One of the slam dunk anti-flood evidences is the polar ice cores. Each year as snow and ice forms at the poles air is trapped. Each year a new layer is formed. If you take a core of the polar ice and count back the layers you can tell what the atmosphere was made up of in the past. Scientists use this to find out what the atmosphere and climate was over 200,000 years ago. If there was a global flood it would have melted the ice and ruined all of this data.

    A similar evidence from the world of climate study: In Ireland we aren't lucky (?) enough to have ice fields going back for hundreds of thousands of years to use for climate research. However a current study is using some other data. In a lake, sediment is constantly falling to the bottom of the lake. Pollen in the air falls on the lake and gradually sinks to the bottom. This happens year on year and if the bed of the lake isn't disturbed you have a history of pollen captured in the silt. Look back through the layers and you are looking back through time. The pollen of each plant species is unique and can be identified under microscope. If you know which plants prefer what weather, by charting the most prolific pollen in each layer you have a record of climate change over time. Again a flood as described in the bible would have erased all that data. The pollen records the climate in Ireland for around 20,000 years.

    What I like about the ice cores is there is absolutely no interpretation going on. It's just counting layers of ice. No ambiguity.

  • sspo

    Indians villages have been found in the US that are 11000 years old and the flood according to the bible happened around 2370 bce.

    Only 4380 years ago...... 8 people survived the flood, it would have taken hundreds and hundreds of years for anyone to make it to the Americas.

    Chronology and common sense tells us that the flood couldn't have happened.

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