Surviving the Economic Depression

by metatron 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan
    Rule #1: Don't get "Down Sized"

    Rule #2: Just happen to work in a field that is not affected
    Rule #3: Just happen to work in a field that is benefitting from the Economic Depression


    I've always had a gnawing feeling that the economy would tank in a huge way sometime in my lifetime, probably sooner than later, and I've been fortunate enough to have an income for the past few years that has allowed me to set aside a healthy bit of savings (by my standards anyways). But if the fed starts printing money to pay off the debt, then inflation will gobble it up in no time I'm sure. And then we'd have the Chinese severely pissed off at us for killing the value of their investments, etc. etc. Things could get very interesting over the next few years months.

  • rebel8

    Plant a clove of garlic. You now have a lifetime supply of garlic.

    Discover dried beans. They keep in your pantry for a really long time and are delicious. You will need that garlic, plus any spices you care to use. Mash some white beans with garlic and serve with gravy instead of potatoes, put in soups or chili, mash into dips, form into patties and fry. They make a good breakfast side dish with your eggs too. Soak overnight, or use a pressure cooker.

    Pressure cookers are great time and energy savers. You can make tons of things in them. Just make sure you have either a new one or one with an intact seal, otherwise you're in for an explosion. I bought one at Target for about $25, and have probably saved more than that in energy bills. It takes a lot less time to cook anything--bread pudding, meats, grains, beans, etc.

    Oatmeal is a great healthy, cheap breakfast. Get quick oats, not the instant flavored ones, to save $. Make with skim milk and sprinkle a few nuts or sesame/sunflower seeds on it for more protein.

  • Gregor

    Save on heat. Buy a bag of cheap dog food and put it into a big dog from the shelter. Keeps your feet warm for weeks.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Meet your local Al Capone type and take up a life of crime. Those people lived large during the Great Depression.

  • metatron

    Another point: if you keep precious metals in storage secretly, there may be no record of their existence or future sales price. Give you any ideas?

    Also, keep in mind that while they can repossess your house, car or boat, they can't do that with an education!

    Finally, get a wood stove. Burn junk mail, newspapers, old books, fallen tree limbs, scrap lumber and heat for free.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Buy toilet paper, soap, shampoo etc. on sale. Buy enough for six months to a year.

    Don't buy paper towels. Use old fashioned kitchen rags and towels instead. Wash them by hand in your sink instead of the washing machine.

    Plain water will clean mirrors. Try using newspaper instead of papertowels to clean windows and glass.

    Check your local library system for free or little cost dvd's, cd's, software, vhs and good old fashioned books!

    Your local YMCA has scholarship programs for individuals and families. A great place for families with kids.

    Co-op with your neighbors and friends to buy bulk from places like Cosco. I do demos for Club Demonstration Services at Costco. There are a lot of great bargains on milk, soy milk, butter, cheese and many other things.

    No insurance? You don't have to be a member of Costco to get your prescriptions filled. They beat almost everyone on price. Ask your doctor to enroll you in programs with drug companies to receive your Rx's free.

    Thrift shops, baby!

  • sammielee24

    Stock up on baking soda with a pinch of peroxide (both very cheap) for brushing your teeth! Works better than foaming, toxic, flouride-ridden commercial toothpastes. (And don't forget the Chinese imported toxic toothpastes...)

    If you have no peroxide handy - just toss in a bit of salt with the baking soda, shake it up in a little plastic container and voila - tooth cleaner.

    For those really down on their heels and in cold weather - if your boots get holes in them, line the inside with plastic bags or resole with old pieces of rubber from tires. Use old work socks inside your mittens for extra warmth. Got no heat in the house - seal off the room you are in with heavy blankets so all the body heat stays in one room. You can eat desperately cheap ...bags of cheap macaroni only need to be cooked in water and you add whatever you have in the house - ketchup, cheese whiz, butter, a little spice or won't starve... if you are lucky to have a can of tomatoes you can toss that in, any leftover fry it up the next day if you can. Big containers of no name oatmeal - you don't need milk you can eat it just cooked up plain. If you do have cinammon or sugar - great. If not - you won't starve. Use your teabags sparingly - let them dry and reuse them as long as there is color in the cup. If you are lucky enough to have a wood stove - keep your kettle on it and use it to cook your food on. Use your solar lights or flashlights and your wind up radio for entertainment. I've known people who pulled their own teeth out and one who got stitched up by a neighbour.

    Realistically - just do what you need to do in order to survive. Be creative but try to stay as honest as you can. Do what you can and don't get beat down by your situation. Things always turn around at some point. sammieswife

  • quietlyleaving

    I love this thread - there is so much practical advice - I'm going to save £££$$$

    It looks like money isn't going t be worth much though, so should we be thinking of turning our savings into stuff like goats and chickens?

  • sass_my_frass

    Sell your house and sleep at work. Live on charity chocolate bars and social club coffee.

  • kurtbethel

    Sell religious literature door to door.

    (ducking as old pic-n-save flip flops are thrown at me)

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