Casper Milquetoast's Cousin, Walter Mitty

by compound complex 128 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Well known to be an abstemious gentleman, Mr. Martin, against all custom (but with a carefully-guarded, premeditated agenda), downed the highball proffered him by the braying Ulgine, and drew heavily upon his Camel. His inexpertise at how to comport himself properly while indulging such worldly vices was in no wise betrayed by any obvious unease nor the least peep from the two boys who had slipped in past the door while Mrs. Barrows was herself all too preoccupied goggling the odd little man arrived so unexpectedly at her home.

    Adapting to the commonplace-type ordinary and, then, to the uber extraordinary circumstance that had fallen upon his bald head and narrow shoulders, Mr. Martin knew what he must do. He would employ the wiles of the cunning boys who had slithered in under his feet.

    Little did Walter and Caspar realize that their stealth had been for naught.

    Mrs. Barrows may have been hoodwinked but Mr. Martin was totally put in the picture.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Who, really, is Elwin Martin?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    searching for new inspirations ...


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    MRS. ULGINE BARROWS: "Her quacking voice and braying laugh . . . . had appalled Mr. Martin instantly,
    but he hadn't shown it. He had given her his dry hand, a look of studious concentration and a faint
    smile. 'Well,' she said, looking at the papers on his desk, 'are you lifting the oxcart out of the ditch?'
    Later: "The faults of the woman as a woman kept chattering on in his mind like an unruly witness.
    She had, for almost two years now, baited him. In the halls, in the elevator, even in his own office,
    into which she romped now and then like a circus horse, she was constantly shouting these silly
    questions at him. 'Are you lifting the oxcart out of the ditch? Are you tearing up the pea patch? Are
    you hollering down the rain barrel? Are you scraping around the bottom of the pickle barrel? Are you
    sitting in the catbird seat?' . . . Mr. Martin dismissed all this with an effort. It had been annoying, it had
    driven him near to distraction, but he was too solid a man to be moved to murder by anything so childish."

    The Catbird Seat, by James Thurber

  • beksbks

    I tried!!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi beks!

    That's OK,
    That's all right!
    Come on, beks,
    Write, write write!


  • beksbks
  • beksbks

    Walter! WALTER!!! You've been sitting on that rock for over an hour! If you're finished swimming, come up here and change out of those wet things! Look at you shivering like a steam engine! Where does your mind get to? Come along now, Grandmother Mitty has made her lemon potato pie.

  • BizzyBee
    lemon potato pie.

    I've heard of this in family legend, but never made the Mitty connection. Now it all makes sense.....sort of......

  • beksbks

    My understanding is that it's an age old recipe. Secret! Shhhhhh!

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