Casper Milquetoast's Cousin, Walter Mitty

by compound complex 128 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "Ta-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa ... Ta-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa ... Ta-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa ... " went Walter's heart, skipping three beats before recommencing its regular, its steady tattoo within his broad chest.

    "Er, hi ... Ah ... good evening, Miss Fanfarre. Are you all right? I came right over ..." the seasoned but now goggling veteran intoned slowly, deliberately, in a clandestine endeavor to recapture that characteristic manner of cool and suave professional deportment recognized by friend, foe, client.

    "Yes." Lola breathed in, then out, then in again, her bosom heaving mightily beneath a top heavy trench coat cinched tightly about a waspish 20-inch waist. "That was Rocky Graziano. He just rang off. He said ... he said," the distraught living doll sighed through steamy, hot tears, "that if I ever wanted to see my baby, my Ricky, again ... I ... I'd better...." she broke off, swooning, collapsing weakly into the detective's sturdy and now happily available arms.

  • Ding

    Walter Mitty never got bored at WT meetings, did he?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, Ding:

    No he didn't.

    Like some brothers at Bethel, Walter learned the trick of how to sleep with hs eyes wide open during Morning Worship. Of course, in his case, it was rather more like daydreaming. I believe that Walter's indulgent and doting angel kept that ever harping Mother Mitty at bay in order that the dear lad might explore in depth his worlds of fantasy.

    Thank you for stopping by.

    CoCo Milquetoast

  • snowbird

    Y'all are a mess!



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, dear Sylvia:

    Ya'll are just goin' have to keep us messed-up folk in line!



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Beks:

    Thanks for the line. Though a tough nut to crack, it will provide the denouement for Detective Friday and Lola.

    I ponder as I wonder, ponder as I wander ...


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    you can fool too many of the people too much of the time


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks Nancy!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Gently cradling Lola in the crook of one muscular arm, retrieving with his free hand the payphone handset and returning it to the patiently waiting switchhook, Walter let go a sigh of resignation over what he could never call his own as he peered wistfully into Lola's closed yet, nevertheless, ever mesmerizing violet eyes. Tearing his gaze away momentarily from the scrumptious visage of a somewhat less than pure and angelic pan caked countenance, the worn and bitter guy reluctantly averted eyes downward. There, crumpled amidst the usual sort of dirt and debris one scarcely notices but shuffles aside with one's foot when entering a city phone booth, was what was clearly drugstore quality stationery - violet ... violet its heavenly hue.

    The professional returned, the flesh-and-hotblooded man-about-town on the back burner at a low simmer, Detective Friday left the wad of paper in place on the floor, thumb, index and middle fingers delving into its center, and commenced spreading out the wrinkled edges. In the dim light, its barely filtering through dirt and dead bugs layered upon layer on an ancient light fixture, Walter squinted through his own smudged glasses to read what lay before him.

    A Bay City telephone exchange: YUkon. YUkon. He must revive Lola. He needed her to confirm what he had quickly surmised ...

    Was their destination the crookedest street in the world?

  • snowbird

    *putting water on to boil and searching for carton of peppermint-chamomile tea*


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