Jesus Is Jehovah/Jehovah Is Jesus

by snowbird 328 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    The RCC is THE biggest church in the world, it is all that the WT CRAVES to be, so of course, it is their "Moriarty", thier arch-nemesis.

    The RCC also has the worse history of all the Christian denominations, which meakes it "easy pickings", LOL !
    I would be curious to see the numbers of converts that JW's have from RC compared to Anglicans or Lutherans, just to name two.

  • designs

    You're kind of useless but in a fun sort of way. You do more good turning people away from christianity kind of like Stephen and Perry did.

  • GOrwell

    Ahh, another Trinity thread (and a resurrected one, at that). I don't think it's been touched on in this thread, but if Jesus is Jehovah, who's God the Father in the NT?

  • godrulz

    God the Father is Jehovah in the NT. Jesus is not the Father, but both are the one Jehovah by nature vs personal distinction (WT confuses modalism and trinitarianism and attacks a straw man).

    Rutherford was anti-Catholic and blamed clergy for many things. Ironically, WT has imitated Catholics in some ways and have their own form of popery, etc. Many JWs are former Catholics because they did not know their Bibles like evangelicals do. It is easy to show how unbiblical some Catholic ideas are (Mary, popes, etc.), so they fall for the WT twisting of Scripture (at least they try to use the Bible).

  • godrulz

    God the Father is Jehovah in the NT. Jesus is not the Father, but both are the one Jehovah by nature vs personal distinction (WT confuses modalism and trinitarianism and attacks a straw man).

    Rutherford was anti-Catholic and blamed clergy for many things. Ironically, WT has imitated Catholics in some ways and have their own form of popery, etc. Many JWs are former Catholics because they did not know their Bibles like evangelicals do. It is easy to show how unbiblical some Catholic ideas are (Mary, popes, etc.), so they fall for the WT twisting of Scripture (at least they try to use the Bible).

  • GOrwell

    Godrulz : you have the worst case of ADD I've seen. Please see a Doctor ASAP.

  • godrulz

    Yes, I have OCD, ADHD, ADD, PTSD, FAS, MD, PQRST, etc.

  • Podobear

    @ Essan: Firstly my apologies, as I am having trouble with posting. I have replied to you but there is something wrong with the compatability of my computer and this board.... I will try again..

  • Podobear

    ... ah ha...

    If I found myself on a chaise longue in a house church in Galatia, I am male, I incline to the presentation of God as listed in the Hebrew Scriptures.

    I understand Monotheism only, look forward to the Messiah, upon whom are bestowed all the blessings of Kingship and Authority by his Heavenly Father. In my mind, I have accepted Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God, the one begotten Son, who came and died for me...

    I then hear Paul (an eminent teacher amongst the Jews) warn of others preaching "another Gospel"... I would be highly suspicious of an agressive group of "so-called" brothers who tried to twist my relationship with Almighty God and The Christ into a triune Chaldean/Hellenic concept.

    Would you have me believe, that at the baptism of my Lord, the voice of his Father came from Heaven, a dove appeared above his head, and all these three presences were part of the same Personage. Come on, Essan...

    ..You know that is NOT the gospel.

    The twisting of written text appeared after the canon was compiled, paucity of koine Greek into English is to blame for much... and you are left with roughly 25 texts (I have offered to list them) that could possible read both ways.

    The overwhelming share of the Scriptures speak of Almighty God and the "Sent forth one" as separate beings.

    I offer you the poignant words of Paul in Galatians 1:8 again...

  • godrulz

    The Father and Son are personally distinct, but they are not separate beings (that is Mormonism/polytheism). The Father and Son share the same eternal nature as the triune God.

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