I hope -Secrets of pedophilia add is gone soon to stop dirty looks at work

by Witness 007 62 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mrsjones5
    I agreed with you last time and still do. It's probably some scammer trying to sell some junk information about witnesses being pedophiles and such, and having little evidence to show for it except a bunch of hearsay stories. They are obviously willing to pay decent money to have their banner flashing in my face year after year. Your concerns were ignored last time obviously, but we have to be understanding of theirs because it's so important what they have to say. If I had smillies I'd insert the rolling eyes here. Making money off pedophilia stories is just as bad as pedophilia itself, they sell to the sick minds who wish to read them. Let the flames begin..hehe.

    I feel sick.

  • slimboyfat

    I find the design disturbing. Surely they could have done a better job.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Ms Jones" I think "Joebin" hasn't looked at the information so doesn't know what it's about....many people see the add and get a wrong impression.

  • AudeSapere
    JoeBin wrote: I agreed with you last time and still do. It's probably some scammer trying to sell some junk information about witnesses being pedophiles and such, and having little evidence to show for it except a bunch of hearsay stories. They are obviously willing to pay decent money to have their banner flashing in my face year after year. Your concerns were ignored last time obviously, but we have to be understanding of theirs because it's so important what they have to say. If I had smillies I'd insert the rolling eyes here. Making money off pedophilia stories is just as bad as pedophilia itself, they sell to the sick minds who wish to read them. Let the flames begin..hehe.

    You don't read much here, do you, Joe? That CD was compiled and released by Barbara Anderson - a well-respected poster of JWD. Barbara has repeatedly explained that the small charge was to help recoup some of the actual expenses incurred while securing copies of actual court documents (over 5000 pages of them) and the data is now offered at no charge via download: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/168812/1.ashx Back to the 'visible at work' issue. Scrolling just a little bit as the page is loading is truly the best way to avoid others seeing it. The most 100% effective way is to stay off the internet and just do your job while on the clock. -Aude.

  • mrsjones5
    "Ms Jones" I think "Joebin" hasn't looked at the information so doesn't know what it's about

    I don't think he really understands what your beef is. It's not whether the issue of pedophilia is trumped up (which I personally don't think it's out there enough) but the reaction that you're getting from your co-workers when they spot that banner and the assumptions coming from that.

    He's just doesn't get it. And his attitude about the pedophile issue among the jws is distasteful.


  • besty
  • AudeSapere
    Besty wrote: $10 solution http://www.kotulas.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10051&storeId=10001&productId=11433&langId=-1&cm_ven=CSE&cm_cat=Nextag&cm_pla=Category&cm_ite=122092

    I think you need special access to see that site.

    Here's the error message I just got:

    Generic Application Error

    Error TypeError Message KeyMessageOriginating Command
    UserThe user does not have the authority to run this command "ProductDisplay".


  • besty
  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I have never had a job where I had time to surf the net. Must be nice?

  • AudeSapere
    I have never had a job where I had time to surf the net. Must be nice?

    Like we learned at the Assemblies, you have to carve out time for the more important things in life. First comes internet surfing. Then comes everything else. -Aude.

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