What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1

by sir82 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    for my son... and people like him... whether their outward "flaw" be excess weight or some other "unaccepable" physicality... for having to live in a world with folks like some of you. Good Lord, it must be hard for them. Terribly hard. And yet, they persevere.

    May JAH forgive you... because in your unkind, unloving, self-serving, misguided perceptions... you truly "do not know what you do."

    A slave of Christ,


  • hillbilly

    Actually John... for some classes of air travel the FAA assumes that the standard passenger weighs 170 pounds.. the ramp agent does a weight and balance calculation for the aircraft and the pilot is responible for checking it.

    Some of the smaller aircraft in regional service are very sensitive to weight and balance issues... and I have seen seating on those flights rearranged to get the big folks in the right spots in the cabin.... all so the plane wont crash. It's some silly nonsense about weight,moment and leverage and having enough elevator authority to pick the nose up.

    So...maybe there is a argument for charging by the pound. Not as touchy-feely as risking insulting someone is it.


  • shamus100
    May JAH forgive you... because in your unkind, unloving, self-serving, misguided perceptions... you truly "do not know what you do."

    A slave of Christ,

    Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather if you forgave me.

    I'm sorry that your son suffers from obesity. It's not always the persons fault - it's a disability, and has to do with hormones. Sorry if I made light of his disability. It's got to be terrible when people laugh at something that you have no control over.

  • sweetstuff

    Big deal, so they get a discount by not having to pay for two seats. Evens out if you ask me, the ridicule and scorn they have to endure through their lives for being large is much more than equal payback. What if it was your mother or father or sister who was very large, would you feel the same then or be happy that they could actually afford to come visit their first grandchild, or attend your wedding, because they didn't have to pay for two seats????

    I think the world has much bigger issues to contend with.

  • hillbilly

    a guest... i appreciate the emotions that you have about this.

    If a big person came to my place to ride horses I would have to ask how much he weighed. Why? It's not safe for the average saddle horse to carry more than about 270 pounds. I wouldnt want to hurt or abuse my horse and would not want the big person to get hurt if his weight caused an accident.

    So ... would I be a bastard if I offered this person a draft cross horse to ride? After all that Belgian cross I have to offer 'screams' fat guy please.. or whould it be inhumane on my part to let the fellow tag along in a horse drawn wagon? There are limits. Big folks dont ask to be big... but not all accomodations can deal with the stress.

    Seats and structure on airplanes is limited by the space it can fit in. The seats are designed and space is allowed for folks with average bodie size.

    We dont even want to start on the escape systems used on airliners... I'd argue it may be unsafe to other passengers who would have to wait on the evacuation of a 450 pounder in an emergency.


  • beksbks

    Actually SS, if it was my mother, sister etc. that was functionally disabled by obesity, I'd be having an intervention and making sure they got some help.

  • beksbks

    Well, yea Hill, I'm sorry, but it's like smokers "rights". They are the ones who persist in dangerous behavior, why should everyone around them have to suffer?

  • purplesofa

    This is a large man, is he obese? Would you like to sit by him on a plane? What does he do?


    smallest woman, should she pay the same as a "normal" person?


  • sweetstuff
    Actually SS, if it was my mother, sister etc. that was functionally disabled by obesity, I'd be having an intervention and making sure they got some help.

    What if it wasn't due to a food addiction Beks? What if disease or medication had made them the size that they are?

  • undercover

    To be clear about my experience, the guy that spilled over into my seat wasn't just overweight. He was obese...his weight had to be in excess of 400 pounds.

    And I don't care if its genetics, he can't help it or if he just ate too damn much...his fat ass was in my space...space I paid for and wasn't getting to use and made me very uncomfortable for 9 or so hours.

    Let's face it....most Americans are already overweight but if someone is so large that they can't fit into normal seating arrangements that the rest of fat-ass America doesn't have problems with, then tough shit..you should have to pay a surcharge for taking up more than the average and reasonable amount of space.

    Yes, there are handicapped people in this world. But let's face this fact as well...you can't fix everything to make the world accesible to all handicapped people. I'm as sorry as can be that people have these afflications but there's a point where they have to accept that maybe they can't do everything a normal person can do and learn to live with it. If that means, in this airline situation, that they'll have to pay extra for space on a plane, well they just need to pony up the bucks and shut the fuck up about it.

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