What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1

by sir82 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone

    I think He should have to pay for 2 seats, he needs to have less money, so he can lose some weight! You know food can be expensive.

  • watson

    Undercover, your story reminds me of some pretty funny movie scenes over the years. LOL. Sorry you had to indure. Did he have sleep apnea too??? Kind of a cheesey smell???

  • purplesofa

    What do they do for people in wheelchairs?

    Are people in wheelchairs allowed on planes?

    I just never took notice?


  • undercover
    your story reminds me of some pretty funny movie scenes over the years. LOL. Sorry you had to indure. Did he have sleep apnea too??? Kind of a cheesey smell???

    It is kinda comical...now, but not at the time. It was like something out of a movie. I saw him squeezing his way down the aisle and I murmured to myself, "keep moving, keep moving, go to the back". My jaw dropped and heart sank when he stopped at my aisle. And everyone else around gave a sigh of relief.

    But, he was well-dressed and clean. He did snore but I had noise cancelling headphones so that helped.

  • minimus

    Oh, he was a clean, well dressed big fat f*ck?

  • watson
    I saw him squeezing his way down the aisle and I murmured to myself, "keep moving, keep moving, go to the back". My jaw dropped and heart sank when he stopped at my aisle. And everyone else around gave a sigh of relief.

    Sorry man, but I'm still laughing some here. I remember thinking the same thing on planes. Fortunately, so far, I have been one of the ones that gave out the sigh of relief!!

  • undercover
    Oh, he was a clean, well dressed big fat f*ck?

    Think Tony Soprano or Big Pussy except much, much bigger...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I see people complaining about having to pay for someone else's seat. However, do you really think there are enough people who would need more than one seat to affect the price? I'm just guessing, but I would bet the percentage is well less than 1%. Furthermore, most flights have empty seats. Finally, is it fair to a normal sized person for the airline to sell the seat next to the fat guy and make the skinny guy squish into him? Seems to me you would want the big guy to have more room as well. Seems a non issue to me.

    This is about one thing and one thing only--airlines wanting to charge for anything they can, regardless of practicality.

  • minimus

    You gotta watch your mouth, UC. Keep naughty words out of this.

  • watson

    John Doe, the advocate.

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