Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection ? Not. Check this Out !

by flipper 83 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • flipper

    HAMSTERBAIT- No matter what part of the world it is acceptable in - a 50 year old having sex with a 15 or 16 year old is much more unacceptable than a 16 year old boy having sex with a 15 year old girl. And the elders having the victim sitting with the moleser during a committee meeting - that is criminal

  • hamsterbait

    Flipper - I agree with you totally -

    If the younger party has been conned and seduced.

    I have a friend who was seduced by her Professor of Counterpoint and Fugue.(His wife appeared resigned to his ways of almost 20 years)

    But there are a very few cases where a genuine love is there on both sides. I cannot condemn that.

    It aint all black and white in the cases of teens. SORRY.

    Do you remember the marriage of a very old guy - 90(??) with a young Bunny Girl. They were very happy for four years or so then he died. He left his fortune to her.

    The family said SHE had taken advantage of him.

    Go figure.

    I have to say to that it is a red herring to say that is is unnacceptable for a 50 year old to have an affair with a LEGALLY consenting 15 year old, but a 18 year old would be OK.

    LOVE is love - I am not talking of taking advantage or rape here.


  • flipper

    HAMSTERBAIT- Wow ! That is amazing elders got deleted in England for taking courses on how to treat child abuse properly ! That shows the WT society isn't even willing to learn and be informed themselves , or educated on the proper way to handle child abuse ! Very interesting.

    I agree with you on the " 11 elders sued in 100 year " thing ; it's very deceiving. How many elders or ministerial servants, or publishers molested children who DID NOT get sued ? That would be a more accurate number ! And of those - How many threatened the children victims lives if they spoke up about getting molested ? Then we'd know the real scope of what has gone on in that organization

  • StAnn

    As a response to the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, anyone having anything to do with children in their parish must go through a class on protecting the children and must be fingerprinted and have a background check done. I've worked with a Sunday School class and so have to have my background check redone every year when I sign up to teach/assist.

    When a priest or other person in the Church is accused of sexual abuse, the priests must announce this at Mass and ask that anyone who has any information or who may have suffered also at the hands of the accused come forward with that information. I think they are referred to a canon lawyer for the archdiocese. Also, these accusations are usually printed in the archdiocesan newspaper, which is free to all members of the archdiocese.

    Although this was in response to years of mishandling and I don't think it goes far enough, at least there is an attempt. I feel that all Dubs should have to be fingerprinted and background checked before being allowed to go door to door or be baptized. If they want to continue going door to door, they should have to be rechecked every 3-5 years and whenever they move to a new congregation or receive an appointment, such as MS or pioneer. If they claim cost is an issue, let the individual publishers pay for the check themselves.

    If the WTS is serious about curbing child abuse, they need to show it with some action.


  • flipper

    ST. ANN- I'm glad to see the Catholic Church is taking pro-active efforts to protect children these days. Too bad it took what it did to make them do that - but the point remains at least they are NOW doing it to make sure more of a check system is in place to protect children. The WT society would be well served- as well as the children to follow suit like you said ! But I feel the WT society is not, nor ever will be humble enough to change their policies. They are God incarnate, remember. Not

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    To ansewr your questions

    First off why meet with the child and molester together ? Don't you think this would traumatize the abused child somewhat ?? Or, how about a lot ?

    It will most defintely traumatize the victim again. AND it would not onlt taint any investigation by police or social services but the victim is much less likely to repeat what happened to people outside the organization.

    And then if the molester is found to be allegedly " repentant " how does it protect the child by just removing privileges of service to the molester ?

    Clearly it does nothing to address the real problem

    What prevents him from still getting close to the child again by wanting to work in service with children ?

    Absolutely nothing. What it will do is force him to be more careful in choosing his victims and more controlling in his attempts to keep his victims silent. He also now is armed with the belief that he can continue to abuse children and flaunt in his victim's faces that no one will believe them.

    Are the elders going to inform families about the molester ? Doubtful.

    Doubtful? more like "not on your life" In my family it came out that my step-father (juststudying with the JWs) was sexually abusing my 13 yr old aunt who was living in our home. Elders arranged for my mother to send my aunt (her younger sister) out of the province to live with other family and didn't warn anyone about him. About 1 month later my aunt committed suicide. The following year he was finally caught abusing me and I was sent out of the provunce to foster care. Again no one was warned about him. And later on he was abusing my 4 yr old sister (his daughter) This time he fled before anything could be done. A couple of years ago my sister committed suicide in part because she was never able to deal with this and other abuses

    And how is a 16 year old boy having sex with a 15 year old girl - child abuse ?? Looks like they are trying on purpose to class that scenario together with an adult over 21 who would molest a minor under the age of 18 .

    Clearly they don't understand the issue and want to make it look like they actually are doing something.

    The WT society says they have refined hir procedures over time. But the song remains the same. Children are still being molested , cases are being hidden, and the WT society is still trying to prevent the public as well as their own members from knowing what really goes on behind the scenes.

    The only way they have refined their policy is to cover their a$$e$. Remember appearances are always more important than truth and the real protection of children

  • lancelink

    If so, we expect the elders to comply.

    A loophole,

    just like the police EXPECT everyone to obey the speed limit

    It looks nice on paper, but when the rubber meets the road,, it is a different story

  • flipper

    LADY LEE- I agree with all your points. I am so sorry you and your aunt and your sister were abused. And that your aunt committed suicide. Extremely tragic. My heart goes out to you. It certainly shows the elders drag their feet on these issues far too long - then it's too late, the damage is done. You are right, to the WT society , " appearances are always more important than truth and the real protection of children."

    LANCE LINK- Good point. The WT society expects the elders to comply with the police authorities - but is there ever a check system in place to make sure they have done so ? None that I've ever heard of. The WT society gives way, way too much power and authority to these elders without really checking on them to make sure they aren't abusing it. And many times they do abuse the power

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    We do not believe that our system is perfect. No human organization is perfect.

    Finally they admit it. They are a human organization. Wait, I thought they were God's organization? I guess, only when it suits them.

    Why do they act as if they were God then? How many victims have been DFd for turning in their abusers? And wasn't Barbara Anderson DFd for publicizing the WT problem with pedophilia?



    In this conflict, God’s organization is a place of spiritual safety.

    Yep, safety, especially of you're a pedophile.

  • flipper

    AWAKENED at GILEAD- Good points you make . The WT society is definitely an organization of convenience - for themselves that is. When they allegedly do some things that are good - according to them they are God's inspired organization ; when they make mistakes and evil decisions and blunders suddenly they are " human " and claim " imperfection " . Very true- Barabara Anderson and others were DFed for turning in child molesters. It's ridiculous

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