by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Reniaa, you are wrong there is a disproportionate amount of JW with mental illness. Not just depression, but bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD and personality disorder aplenty. The reasons are multi factored. The untrained eye can see it just by sitting at a meeting on any given Sunday. If you were in the business you would know first hand.

  • orangefatcat

    speaking of ill JW's my mom takes the trophy. She claims to have had over 100 operations. Which in point of fact they are not surgery, it is a procedure, I have had done on me and it is very simple and your out in 15 minutes. You see my mother has this condition called intersticial cystitis Yes this a painful condtion my mom has had it for close to 15 or more years, she doesn't have to suffer with this condition as the doctors have told her all they need to do is give her a sidebag for here pee. Well you'd think that armageddon started already when the doctor suggested it to her. My mom would rather sit in agony rather then have complelte relief from her pain. She goes around like she is the last person on earth close to death. She asks to be put under when she has this procedure which is no good for her system and all she does is feel pity for herself because that is all she talks about that and JW's and the guilt she feels for not doing enough for Jehovah. She makes me crazy. She stays home most days and vegatates about her health. She has convinced herself for the past 20 years she is going to die. She is hard and cold and has few true friends. She is mostly miserable all the time. She is always angry because dad died first. She is driving my sister crazy and my sister doesn't speak up to my mom and say no to her.

    I know all of this because my aunt who is not a JW's tells me all this stull. Boy am I happy I don't have to deal with all this crap. I know my mom misses me. I would like to call her but I have reservations about it because I don't want any confrontations about the JW's, I just want to know if she is okay. I sometimes know it is hard on my sister but my sister and mom are so much alike and they fight like two cats but that is the way mom is she choos using my youngest sister over me and she is executrix of my moms estate. I find that most JW's who take vitmans and tonics don't liive any longer then those who don't use them.

    One thing is for a certainty. It is a known fact among the medical proffession that among JW's they have the highest incidence of depression than any other religious group.


  • willyloman

    The reason some people (see Renaia) think this is all speculation and hyperbole is that she lives in the la-la world where most dubs reside. They are told JWs are different, exceptional, unique and especially blessed by God and they want to believe they are all those things so they deny any evidence to the contrary. On top of this, they live in a closed communal society where communications with the outside world are closely monitored. You can be sure that when a third of the people in the congregation have some real or imaginary illness, the elders are not going to talk much about it.

    In my decades as an elder, I knew countless publishers with a variety of emotional and psychological conditions. Being a good dub elder, I read them the party line and told them to "do" more theocratic stuff. You know, work harder. It was the easiest counseling job ever, because the WT Society has one answer for whatever ails you: Get out in service more. Pray more. Study more. Get to more meetings.

    Of course, when this "medicine" fails to cure, it's always the fault of the sick one.

    I am disgusted with myself just writing this, and horrified that I ever played any part in this sick con game. But I am here to testify that the statement, JWs have an inordinate amount of emotional illness in their ranks, is fully justified.

    Whether that's because "The Truth" attracts people who are unbalanced or whether the loveless routine makes them that way, it's still true.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
  • fern

    My JW mother used to never believe in mental illness, at least not if you were a JW. She didn't believe if you were doing enough in the field service, praying and going to meetings that is was possible to be mentally ill. All you had to do if you were feeling down was more more more JW crap! My older sister had post partum depression and missed many meetings because of it. My mom used to tell her she would feel better if she just came to the meetings and recieved the holy spirit. For some reason, she has now changed her opinion somewhat. I don't know why, unless there was "new light". Seems like it is more than acceptalbe now.

  • WTWizard

    I have seen more than my share of it in my former congregation. At least half appear to be drugged up in some way, usually antidepressants--almost as bad as a psychiatric club (where you expect people to be drugged and stupid acting). And most have weird problems, like dying of heart disease or cancer in their 40s, 50s, and early 60s. I also believe the incidence of allergies and other similar problems is at least double the general population, plus people are more likely to get colds and flus (and tuberculosis or AIDS) at the doors.

    Stress, not enough sleep, and going door to door is responsible for most of it.

  • shamus100
    lets not mention that depression is one of the biggest growing illnesses in the wealthier countries ooops soz a bit to much reality!

    Bullshit. It's overdiagnosed - but you're just regurgitating watchtower nonsense. You're pretty far someone who can actually make a decision on her own without the watchtower telling you what to believe. It wouldn't suprise me if you're on AD's now. Go back to 'the truth' and expect your mood to drop and a visit to the doctor. They're happy to put you on that garbage. Everyone I know that's still in is on AD's. Now THAT'S depressing.

    God help you if you're sick and a dub. They abandon you like you have leprosy. I remember many funerals over the years with announcements at the hall from sick ones, and nobody EVER went to visit them.

  • Honesty

    hearsay and predjudiced, speculative opinion all are welcome on this baited thread.....


    If you don't like what you read here you should avoid this board like the plague.

    You are a JW troll.

  • shamus100
    You are a JW troll.


    I can't believe people come to apostate boards and try to re-convert us. Reinna, it ain't gonna happen. And yes, I just said never. It's the only time I'll say it too.

    "Jehovah" cleans my toilet. I just said it - and I sure as shit am not scared. The Watchtower god is a complete farse - and is a complete idiot.

    Shame on any JW that let people die alone after giving they're whole life to the organization. You are all terrible, terrible heartless people. More concerned with going in field service than helping your own. I spit on those people.

  • reniaa
    Re: SICK JWS
    Reniaa, you are wrong there is a disproportionate amount of JW with mental illness. Not just depression, but bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD and personality disorder aplenty. The reasons are multi factored. The untrained eye can see it just by sitting at a meeting on any given Sunday. If you were in the business you would know first hand.

    you are just making a statment with no proof, the JWs do atract unhappy depressed people, the hope is something they want. So this has to be factored into any assessment made on them but like I said earlier reality doesn't factor much if your are just fishing for opinion based stuff.

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