Make Your Prediction:The Next President---- McCain or Obama???

by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Turns out Truman wasn't really such an upset.

    The race had not been polled for 3 weeks, and the polling was done with them newfangled "telephones". Well who had phones back then? Primarily the wealthy. Hence a very flawed poll.

    That result almost put Gallup out of business.

    John McCain will not be the next president of the United States.

  • beksbks
    However, when I go to vote tomorrow I am bringing my cell phone, a camera and a list of numbers for election officials.

    You've got it Gary!! Everyone should be on this page. And the best way for us to keep them from stealing this one, is to show up in huge numbers.

  • leavingwt

    McCain, with 273 Electoral Votes.


  • sir82
    McCain, with 273 Electoral Votes.

    No way he wins Ohio AND Pennsylvania AND Florida AND North Carolina.

    Lose any of those, and it goeas the other way.

  • hillbilly


    Gary ..where the heck you voting...Mississippi for gods sake?

    Let's just bring in Jimmy Carter and the United Nations while we are at it.......


  • Junction-Guy

    I am hoping for a miracle that California will go for McCain, even if just by one vote. That would be a major victory. Oh yeah and go proposition 8.

  • leavingwt

    hehehe... I understand what I learned in civics class about electorial votes and such..... but it just aint right that California gets 55 of em......

    The block of Southern States that will reliably vote Republican will essentially cancel out California's 55 Electoral Votes.

    Mississippi (6) + Louisiana (9) + Alabama (9) + Tennesee (11) + South Carolina (8) + Georgia (15) = 58 Electoral Votes.

  • caliber

    I don't even live in USA. but" I'm still from Missouri " about McCain winning ! If you

    know what I mean ! ~~Cal

  • restrangled

    I'm thinking McCain may get it because of Florida. I saw signs today (Part of the big I4 Corridor) 3/2 McCain.

    There are several variables. All these polls are based on "likely voters"...which means they are basing it on those who have voted before. With so many new registered we don't know if they will vote or not. Also young voters I don't think will stand in line for a 3, 4, 5 hours plus wait to vote...we shall see.

    Absentee voting in Florida was spectacularly easy....Just call, your ballot comes the next day with your name all ready bar coded on the return envelope. You had time to look up issues, fill in your choices and return it in the mail after you signed and dated your envelope. Why this was not pushed more, I don't know. My son and I did it that way, my husband stood in line for 2 hours. My other son is going to vote tomorrow.

    I still am not comfortable enough to predict a just never know.


  • leavingwt

    Take heart, Restrangled.

    All current polling data points to an Obama blowout.

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