How do you like your coffee?

by LouBelle 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    My favorite would be a very dark roast, made very strong, preferably through an espresso machine, served with steamed whole milk, a "coffee crema" in France, a latte here.

    I mostly drink it black if I don't have the perfect scenario #1.

    I am having a difficult time making the perfect cup at home anymore. I've tried numerous things. I have a real swiss espresso maker that weighs a ton, (forget the name), but tired of the cleanup for one cup of coffee. Then I went to a crazy thing that looks like a syringe, had great reviews, it got messy...long story. then I received the "free" Senseo, machine. I like the concept, but the coffee isn't strong enough for me and really doesn't taste good.

    Sweet pea has a new fancy machine that is very clever, and makes great coffee. It's a Nespresso with very pretty, colorful pods. I'm trying not to think about it.


    Unhappy with current coffee making

  • zagor

    It is tradition in my family to drink black coffee. My mom used to make really strong coffee, you could almost put a spoon in and make it stand right up lol :D, seriously though I always loved strong coffee particularly in the morning. For years I was having real Italian espresso with just a touch of sugar. But over last few years I stopped using sugar all together, somehow it tastes better. In afternoon I love to get a latte.

  • mavie

    Since I'm liberal...

    Sugar-free, non-fat, vanilla latte.

    Although when I'm home and brewing for myself...

    Black with a touch of milk and sugar.

  • PrimateDave

    Black with a teaspoon of sugar.

    Edited to add that I don't use a coffee maker. I just boil enough water and add ground coffee to it the moment it starts boiling. I immediately turn it off and stir it for a minute. Then I pour it through a fine strainer, no filter, into my cup and add a teaspoon of sugar.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Loubelle,

    Had my first French roast [4 refills] in a cafe by the sea years ago. I love it with cream and/or vanilla ice cream.

    CoCo de la Creme

  • DanTheMan

    I started out with cream and sugar, but the thought of putting anything in my coffee now makes me shudder.

    For those who have never drank coffee without cream and sugar, just try it one time. Force yourself to drink a whole cup of black coffee. I bet you'll never go back.

  • avishai

    Iced americano, 3 raw sugars

  • megaflower

    Light and sweet, the same way I like my men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I feel really low rent here. Because I like coffee any old way. I love the flavored creamers especially sugar free hazelnut. But if I don't have that I will even drink the gross heated up stuff with skim milk.

  • jaguarbass

    I drink it black.

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