How will the Watchtower help its members during hard economic times?

by truthseeker 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    It is utterly ridiculous to expect that the WTS will help anyone in anyway. They may have relief work, big deal. They may get into these countries that need help but they are never ever the first to arrive. first on the scene, is always the Red Cross and Salvation Army and those two organizations put the WTS to shame. They should feel ashamed. Look at 9-11 how they cowered into the Bethel and locked it down out of fear. Only when they figured out it wasn't the Big A did they eventually go out but it had to be with Bible literature first then the food. Why???? I don't get it. Does anyone?

    Our parish never questions anyone in need. If I told the church I needed something Father Gordon S would let the parish know that we need something for someone and it happens. Or food or shelter it is there to help. All the churches do the same thing in our town, except the KH of JW's and they call them selves Christians. Well what on earth did Christ do with the crowd of 5000 persons did he say go home I haven't got any thing to feed you . No absouletly not he took the bread and fish and prayed and fed the crowds and there was still 12 baskets of food left over. Isn't that explantion enough for the GB to notice. Can't they see in this day and age, that starvation exits in our own country. I wonder if the congretions took as much interest in helping the cong with sustance as they do in wanting to disfellowship a person. I mean they can hardly wait these days to kick you out for asking some questions they consider apostate.

    Kills me though they can quote anything from any literature in their history but if a witness does mention that they read something in a older wt or g or bk then your on the executioners block really fast.

    lets face facts, the WTS is afraid. They have millions of dollars in lawsuits pending. You think their money will last. I don't think so. Something has go to give and if there is an economic depression they may lose everything. Interesting isn't it?



  • jaguarbass

    Yet the Bible says that the congregation was responsible for needy persons.

    This is a tough topic.

    It's kind of like the movie field of dreams, if you build it they will come.

    Churches that help needy persons will be in the business of helping needy persons.

    I live in Tampa bay and every year good times or bad times the bumbs come down to Tampa Bay. They follow the sun and various cities and ministries feel compeled to help them.

    I think its kind of cool to follow the sun and not work and not worry.

    But its a way of life for some.

    And if you provide the service they will come for a hand out good times or bad times.

    I think the answer would be for society to provide jobs and benefits for everyone, but thats not going to happen so we have charity.

  • ninja

    the watchtower is just as nutritious as a cup noodle when crushed into a cup and boiling water applied.....sluuuuurp......enjoy your spiritual food y'all

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Unless it's Hurricane Katrina, the Organization leaves it to either the elders and/or the spontaneous kind-heartedness of individual JWs.

    The results are all over the map.

    As a general rule though, if a "spiritually weak" JW falls on hard financial times, it's pretty unlikely they will receive any help.
    "Spiritually strong" ones do better, but plenty have fallen through the cracks as well.

    I've given. I've gotten. Like most people, I like to think I've given more than I've gotten.

    At the end of the day though...

    ...only Hillary Step knows.

    *miss that guy*


  • Gregor

    I grew up hearing how my mother and her family pioneered throughout Texas and Oklahoma in the 30's by exchanging literature for food and doing field work whenever they could find it. They lived in a tent. No school for the children. Clothes were flour sacks and castoffs. Why? Because Armageddon was, literally, due at any moment. One of the young pioneer brothers they helped shelter and feed at one time was Ted Jaracz. When my cousin asked him a few years ago if he remembered them he drew a blank.

    How the WTB&TS reconciles their stingyness with Bible teachings (the parable of the good samaritan comes to mind) I don't kno but they seem to have pulled it off. The hurricane relief scam is jaw dropping. Donated material and labor to rebuild property mortgaged by the Borg and then the insurance and low interest loans go to New York!

  • WTWizard

    All they are going to do is tell the witlesses that they cannot let the economy be an excuse to stop (or reduce) their boasting session attendance or field circus activity. Just keep going. If you have no job, so much the better because you should get into the full time field circus activity and go even deeper in debt in the process. (Never mind that they are going to have a miserable time borrowing anything because of bad credit or the banks are not willing to lend to crap like that).

    And, let's not forget (like I almost did) that you should put every penny you happen to find into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    In my experience it is like the Bible says.....If someone is cold they tell you to keep warm, and if you are hungry they tell you to be fed. But they do nothing to support you. Nothing at all.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    With platitudes and empty promises....

  • Mary
    It's good to see many, many churches dipping into their funds to help the needy, the homeless and providing food and shelter for those who need it. What can be said of "God's Organization"? What do they do to help people in these tough economic times? Will they help you with food? Medicine? Will they dip into their billions of dollars to help those members who have lost jobs, homes and cars?

    The Craptower Society helps its members by getting the most out of them during their youths, then kicking their sorry asses to the curb whenever they actually need help with something that costs money. We've seen this happen with what they did to the long-standing Bethelites and they're going to be doing the same damn thing to Circuit Overseers. As for the individual Witnesses who fall on tough times, they simply don't give a shit. They couldn't care less if you lose your home or have to go to a food bank to feed your kids. Their sole objective in this world is to make money and converts. Doing charitable work isn't even on their radar.

    Will they help the rank and file with food or medicine? No chance in hell. For help like that, you have to go to 'Babylon the Great'.

  • OnTheWayOut

    How will the Watchtower help it's members during hard economic times?

    • They will suggest carpooling to meetings and assemblies
    • They will ask any who are able to walk to the Hall. They will save money and get exercise without paying a fitness club fee.
    • They will put "tips" in the Kingdom Ministry about turning down thermostats.
    • They will remind members how much money they would be spending if they weren't so busy with service and meetings.
    • They will discourage expensive college goals.
    • They will have a tract about "difficult times hard to deal with."
    • They will remind the members how bringing your own lunch makes conventions affordable.
    • They will negotiate with hotels for decent rates for members going to conventions (then require the members to stick to the list- Oh wait, they already did this one).
    • They will suggest saving your empty cup from Starbucks because refills are cheaper than new orders.

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