How will the Watchtower help its members during hard economic times?

by truthseeker 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    What's particularly galling is that every November they will give a talk on how to contribute to the Watchtower Society yet they never had a specific talk on giving to the poor, lame and those down on their luck.

    A different take on the "New Colossus"

    Watchtower says, "Give us your cash and stocks, we're poor,

    Though you struggle to breathe free,

    If you're unemployed, do door to door,

    Make your high-school leavers slave for me,

    If you're money's gone, Jah will provide more

  • stillajwexelder

    How will the Watchtower help its members during hard economic times? Tell them we are desperately close to the end. Armageddon is literally just around the corner. The financial system meltdown is controlled by this system and hence Satan. Persecution will follow very very closely. Raise yourselves erect as your deliverance is near. There is absolutely no need for material things as the end is so close. Any spare money you have should be donated to the World Wide Preaching work

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    He he he he he he to that silly question.

  • Leolaia

    During the Great Depression, Watchtower secretary Arthur Goux was asked this very question by Congressman Rep. William I. Sirovich (D, New York). His answer was just as true then as it is today.

    MR. SIROVICH. Outside of preaching the spiritual Word of God, have you done anything for the poor devils who find themselves economically deprived of a living and in starvation and hunger, or penury and want; have you taken any of that money to help them, outside of preaching to them?

    MR. GOUX. The commission that is entrusted to Jehovah's Witnesses is to bear testimony among the people as to what he will do to permanently relieve not only a few, but the people of all the earth.

    THE CHAIRMAN. You can answer the question or not, can't you? Let us get on with this, because we have given 2 or 3 days to it now.

    MR. GOUX. I am answering, Judge, merely to show that those who are doing this work are seeking to carry out the mission given to them.

    THE CHAIRMAN. Well you do or do you not do relief work?

    MR. SIROVICH. Do you do relief work in the sense that the Salvation Army does? They are preaching the Gospel of God, but bringing some tangible results to those who are suffering from a lack of the necessities of life. Are you doing that, or not?

    MR. GOUX. That is not the purpose of this activity; that is not the purpose of this association.

    THE CHAIRMAN. You do not do that, then?

    MR. SIROVICH. You do not do it; that is all. ("Radio Broadcasting," Hearings Before the Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries, House of Representatives, 73rd Congress Second Session, on H.R. 7986, 1934, p. 93; Goux testified on Monday, 19 March 1934).

    This was after Goux revealed that the Society received $455,000 in contributions and sales in 1933 ($7.7 million dollars, adjusted for inflation) and had its wealth tied up in assets, including over $1 million (or $17 million in 2008 dollars) in property in New York alone. More here:

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Stilla stole my comment... [puts hand down]

  • heyfea

    The WTS is too large to monitor in a personal level the necessities of the brothers, not that they care. All they care about is the "spiritual" condition of a person; do they go out in FS?, Do they study the magz?, Do they make donations to the borg? That's all.

    The brothers are on their own when it comes to financial problems. Yet, the WTS limits the education level or work skills a brother should have. How in the name of God could the brothers make donations to the WTS if they barely make a living themselves?

    The WTS forbids the brothers from associating with the world , but it is more than appropiate to take money from the government. The WTS is messed up in every sense of the word.

    Shame on you Watchtower!!!!1

  • LovesDubs

    They help each other EXCLUSIVELY when it comes to things "GOD" floods or hurricanes...but apparently anything that is caused by men like economic depressions and recessions...the friends are on their own. Theres no "photo op" in helping people in their own congregations get food for the week. They need to roll a convoy of 18 wheelers into a stricken area with WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY RELIEF written in eight foot letters on the side.

    I say they should have one meeting a week on Sundays 12:30-3:30. Field service on Sunday mornings before that meeting, 9-12 with half an hour to have some lunch. Saves on gas and emissions and time.

    They should have a streaming video available of the meetings online for all infirmed or elderly or sick ones so they can see the meetings from home if they have a computer, or...have a call in teleconference number to call to listen in to the meetings. Readily available nowadays.

    They should post PDF versions of their magazines online instead of printing them and distributing them uselessly every month wasting paper, ink, man power, shipping, gas, emissions and lots of other things. If the magazines can be distributed in field service, they can certainly be available online with a password.

    They should have conventions in the kingdom halls and have a big screen in there to watch the convention as broadcast from Bethel so no one has to travel or pay for hotels...they can get up and move around without being yelled at and use more than two paper towels if they want to. They can put the babies down for a nap and put their feet up and listen in peace.

    And thats my contribution

  • Borgia

    O dear. You got it all wrong.

    You see, instead of going 3 nights in a row to meetings, now we will only have to go 2 nights. That saves gas....! In light of the current events, is it not an example of the tender care the GB has for the sheep?

    No, the question is not what the org will do for you, but what you can do for the org. Last convention the begged brothers to please, do not abandon us, do not leave us doing all the work alone. We need you!




  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Simple answer they wont, the WTS. publishing company is not very charitable to people that have fallen on hard times

    Their history of apathy is well documented, remember Joe Rutherford driving around in his Cadillac convertibles and wearing hand tailored suits

    during the depression.

    Other religious organizations do help people that are desperate, the homeless and needy etc.

    The JWS organization is very unChrist like in this regard, you have to become a brother or sister first before they will even look at you.

    The only charity that they approve of is the giving them ( the borg ) money

  • zagor

    In order to help anyone, particularly financially in any way you’ve gotta have something in you that is inherently sincere and good about you that is reflection of who you really are. It is easy to talk about things, but when shit hits the fan all wrongly said things, personal differences etc fall away and you are left with what and who you really are. The same goes for any organization or a church even more because they are gatherings of like minded people (on the top). That said in relation to WTS writing on the wall was there all along “You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting”

    I would really love to know when it was that they opened up their wallets and helped people in need or time of crisis. Even when there is a disaster or something, WTBS only “organizes” thing while the real help comes again from poor window washers and cleaners in other part of the country who are yet again asked to “show generosity” while not letting up continuous donations to the watchtower. Need I say more?!

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