What were the key articles that helped you leave (or articles you love)?

by jwfacts 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • quietlyleaving

    I remember doing some research on the internet, using Strongs concordance and came across this article. I returned to it (guiltily a few times) and puzzled over the the bible verses this XJW couple were pointing to. I found it very helpful because they seemed to allow one to develop one's own spirituality which was so different from the way I'd been taught



  • Grout
  • slimboyfat

    Ken Raines' articles are quite good.


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    JWF - I have to agree with the others - it was 3 days of reading your site and your site only that revealed the truth about 'da troof'. Thank you so much for putting it all together.

  • Darklighter

    Wikipedia... I used that site so much I feel like I owe them some money. Just make sure that what you're reading on there is based on good sources (which is fairly easy to do). That said, it's a great starting point in researching a particular topic, and give you a good idea of where to go next.

    As far as actual articles... I would have to say the Society's own Sept. 2007 KM 'Question Box' was a big factor in my decision to exit. It just reeked of authoritarian mind-control.

    JWF, although your site came much later for me, I would like to thank you because you cleared up most of my lingering questions about JW doctrine. Read the whole thing. Excelent work.

  • Galileo

    Besides your site, I really like 607v587.com The correspondence there is very telling, both about the facts of the erroneous 607 date, and the Societies' mindset and attitude towards those with questions.

  • dietequiladie

    Hi Jw facts. Mine was actually a demonstration at a district assembly. The 'brother' on stage wanted to check on the internet how the relief work was going for the witnesses in some disaster stricken region. He stumbled on to an 'apostate' site which was being critical of the witnesses helping only other witnesses. I'm like, How is that apostate? Criticism? Jws have slagged off other religions for years but its not ok for them to be criticised? Needless to say, there was much overacting in the said demo, with the 'brother'(soliquy style at computer) screaming out 'apostate' several times..

  • dietequiladie

    Sorry, misread question. Definately jw facts site. Instrumental.

  • jwfacts

    Some excellent links here. Please keep them coming. The more we link to good articles and sites the better they will perform on search engines.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    As with Sweet pea, I spent hours reading EVERY link on your site and have since recomended it to many others.

    A link that is a good launching pad for newbies is:


    I found it very helpful as it links to a number of exJW forums including JWD. When I was fresh out of the JWs I was scared out of my wits for a few weeks as I digested all of this new info. Then I progressed to being very comfortable feeling like an "apostate"...

    Apostate at Gilead A@G

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