Anti-College/Pro-Pioneering Convention Interviews

by Rohag 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DaCheech

    I remember many of those far fetched experienced, and with my friends (in which knew the interviewee) we made fun of the guy up there!


  • Steve_C

    To amama2six, justhuman, and others who lament not going to college because of the WTS bs, I'd like to encourage's not too late.

    I was born and raised "in the truth." I saw 1975 come and go as a 12 year old, and as a senior in high school I submitted college applications due to encouragement from my counselors. I really loved foreign languages, and ended up being accepted at Georgetown University. However, I buckled under the "advice" from family and elders and, instead of heading to Washington DC, I headed to a part-time job and regular pioneering. After all, the system was to end so soon, and if I wanted to learn languages, well, I could always become a missionary! That decision to forego college still makes my stomach turn.

    I ended up pioneering only one year, because in the meantime I got married and had to scramble to find full-time work to support a wife and baby on the way. I kept trying to do the witness life, but after many years it took its toll.

    Anyway, at age 39 I finally faded away and got my life together. I went back to college part-time while I worked full-time. It was difficult, but I had a goal, and I now had the time, since I no longer had the pressure and guilt from the WTS/meetings/service/etc. weighing down on me. I'm now 45, my kids are grown (thankfully not JWs), and I finally have a degree. Because of that degree, I have a job that I've wanted since I was in high school. I'm now living in Taiwan, teaching English and learning Chinese, and realizing a dream after 25+ years.

    Anyway, those experiences at the conventions can be quite nausiating, so I hope my experience will encourage any who, like me, gave up college in their youth. It's never to late to get your degree, and there are programs out there to help you do it. Good luck to you.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Good comments and "Welcome" to the new members here !

    B_Deserter said:

    There is no way you can be totally independent with a part-time job today.

    Actually, I know a dentist and an engineer that are financially independent working part-time... er, nevermind because they WENT TO COLLEGE !!!!! And they have never been and will never become JWs. Brains are good.

    B the X

  • amama2six

    Steve...I currently have 12 college credits (toward my associates in psychology) I know all about it not being too late! BUT I also have six kids and have had to put off further studies for the time being because taking care of them and doing school work got to be too much. I WILL start back up again once we are better off financially and they are all in school, though, I'm definitely not going to let my upbringing determine the whole course of my life!

    I guess the biggest thing that angers me is knowing that if I had college as a goal I probably would not have become a young mother. I probably would have worked through college, got a good education and job, THEN began my family like you're supposed to do. Instead I had low self-esteem and crappy WTS goals thrown on me to the point where all I wanted was someone who would actually LOVE ME unconditionally! Yeah, that worked out REAL well. Glad I had her (and my subsequent children)...but the price I've paid is tough to bear at times.

  • Steve_C

    amama2six, I certainly feel for your situation, and I understand the sickening regret of following those unrealistic WTS goals.

    I'm sure with six kids you're too busy to stop and breathe sometimes! I remember--back when we were trying to be good witnesses--how difficult it was to get off work and then get our 3 little ones (2 in diapers) fed and bathed and dressed for the meeting, then perhaps arriving late because our cheap, crappy car wouldn't start; and all this effort just to sit there and listen to guilt trips from the platform about not doing more. I remember one CO browbeating the poor sisters to keep their houses spotless "to honor Jehovah", and actually insinuated that you could lose God's spirit for not making your bed everyday. At that point I looked over at my wearied wife, and she had a memorable WTF look on her face! Anyway, I'm sure you're an awesome mom, and congratuations on your six treasures.

    I'm definitely not going to let my upbringing determine the whole course of my life!

    Hearing that made my day. All the best to you

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