Anti-College/Pro-Pioneering Convention Interviews

by Rohag 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fadeout

    I remember very clearly that the speaker at last year's convention said that 'The majority of those who graduate do not have a job.'

    Of course the audience just lets statements like that wash over them, but when you think about it that is an incredibly deceptive and dishonest statement. First of all, we don't know that it's even true, and second, even if 51% of graduates are not employed as of their graduation date, they usually find jobs soon thereafter, dontcha think?

    Also at last year's convention, they interviewed brothers who did attend college, so they could testify how little it benefitted them and how they now regret it.

  • amama2six

    My parents sent me to a "technical" high school so I wouldn't have to go to college. My goal instead? Being a secretary...WOOHOO!!! Oh, and to pioneer (neither of which ended up happening).

    You know what the best part is? Last year my Dad comes out with "I don't know why you had so many kids, you're smart and could have done a LOT with your life!" Has he seriously forgotten that he RAISED me to not expect...let alone strive for...the opportunity to go to college? And without college how exactly was I supposed to exercise my "smarts"? Pioneering? Probably not, as he's been inactive for over 10 years himself.

    Well sorry, Dad, I decided to be a mother instead. If you wanted me to be better than that maybe you should have built up my self-esteem a little and encouraged me to go to college instead of pretty much telling me my "best" was being a freaking SECRETARY.

    That's alright, though, I've taken some college courses and intend on getting at least my Bachelor's degree eventually. Better late than never!

  • skeeter1

    My ultra dub sister just told me that college was up to the individual. Yeah, right. Same old party line....


  • startingovernow

    I think college is about more than getting a job anyway. It's not practical to expect one to learn all they need in life from high school and the Awake! magazines. And not all of us will be happy for the long run at having a "trade." When I look back at all the families/people in the congregations I knew with financial problems, trouble managing their weight, marital unhappiness, trouble with their kids, trouble communicating with others, misconceptions about medical issues, etc. I think that we could all benefit from a college course in accounting, nutrition, marriage and family, developmental psychology, communication, and human anatomy and physiology at the very least. I think I would add religion and philosophy/critical thinking to that list also.

  • burningbridges

    bla bla bla bla bla

  • BabaYaga

    Thanks for this, Rohag, and by the way, hello and welcome!

  • Number1Anarchist

    Makes me sick to hear that and they love to tell you it's ok to go to college if you want but there gonna make you feel as guilty as possible in the mean time.

    I literally hate this scumbag borg religion.

    I need a barf bag!

  • amama2six

    *origami-folds a watchtower into the shape of a barf bag for N1A*

    Here ya go!

  • boyzone
    But the nice thing was that you were actually guaranteed a job when you got out of school.

    That dates it. That may have been the case 39 years ago but not now. What use is an example like this?

    Pathetic society rehash as usual.

  • gloobster

    Bring an extra barf bag for me!

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